/ ?ɑ?gju?; ˋɑrɡju/ v
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) express an opposite opinion; exchange angry words; quarrel 爭論; 爭辯; 爭吵: The couple next door are always arguing. 鄰居的夫婦總吵架. * Don't argue with your mother. 不要和母親爭辯. * We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. 我們跟服務員爭執那頓飯的價錢.
[I, Ipr, Tf] ~ (for/against sth) give reasons for or against sth, esp with the aim of persuading sb 說理; 爭辯; 辯論: He argues convincingly. 他的辯解很有說服力. * argue for the right to strike 為爭取罷工權利而辯論 * I argued that we needed a larger office. 我據理力爭我們需要大些的辦公室.
[Tn] (fml 文) discuss (sth); debate 討論; 辯論: The lawyers argued the case for hours. 律師們對那個案件辯論了幾小時.
(idm 習語),argue the `toss say that one disagrees about a decision反對某項決定: Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice. 我們不必爭論已經決定的事--只好聽他的.
(phr v) argue sb into/out of doing sth persuade sb to do/not to do sth by giving reasons 說服、 勸說某人做[不做]某事: They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他們說服他撤回了投訴.
> arguable / ?ɑ?gju?bl; ˋɑrɡj?bl/ adj
1 that can be argued or asserted 可論證的; 可斷言的: It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff. 我們的職員少壹些也能發揮同樣效率, 這是言之成理的.
2 not certain; questionable 可疑的; 有問題的: This account contains many arguable statements. 這種說法含有很多疑點. arguably / -?bl?; -?bl?/ adv one can argue(2) that 可爭辯地; 按理; 按說: John sings very well though Peter is arguably the better actor. 約翰唱得很好, 不過按理說彼得演得更好.
/ ?k?ntr?v?s?, k?n?tr?v?s?; ˋkɑntr?v?s?/ n [U, C] ~ (about/over sth) public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagree with 公開辯論; 論戰: The appointment of the new director aroused a lot of controversy, ie Many people publicly disagreed with it. 新負責人的任命引起了激烈的爭論. * a bitter controversy about/over the siting of the new airport 對新機場選址問題的劇烈爭論.
dispute 1
/ d?spju?t; d?ˋspjut/ n
[U] argument; debate 爭論; 辯論: There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion. 墮胎合法化問題引起了許多爭論. * It is a matter of dispute (whether they did the right thing). (他們做得對還是不對,)這是有爭議之處. * Their conclusions are open to dispute. 他們的結論可供商榷.
[C] quarrel; controversy 爭吵; 爭論; 辯論: religious, political, industrial, etc disputes 宗教上的爭論、 政治上的辯論、 勞資糾紛 * a border dispute that could easily become a war 容易引發戰爭的邊界爭端.
(idm 習語) beyond/past di`spute certain 無可爭辯的; 確定無疑的: Her courage is beyond all dispute. 她的勇氣是無可置疑的. in di`spute that can be or is being argued about 可以爭論; 在爭議中: The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有爭議. * Your sincerity is not in dispute. 妳的誠懇是無可置辯的. in dispute (with sb) involved in a (usu industrial) dispute 涉及(通常為勞資關系上的)糾紛: We're in dispute (with the management) about overtime rates. 我們正(與資方)交涉加班費問題. without di`spute certainly 毫無疑義; 無爭論余地: He is without dispute the better player. 他無疑是較優秀的選手. dispute 2
/ d?spju?t; d?ˋspjut/ v
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) argue; debate 爭論; 辯論: Some people love to dispute (with everyone). 有些人好(與人)爭論.
(a) [Tn, Tw] argue about (sth) 爭論(某事物): They disputed at great length what they should do. 他們對應該做什麼這壹問題進行了長時間的爭論. (b) [Tn] question the truth or validity of (sth) 對(某事物)的真實性或有效性提出質詢: dispute a statement, claim, decision, etc 對某項陳述、 要求、 決定等提出質疑 * The election result was disputed. 有人對選舉的結果提出了異議.
[Tn] try to stop sb winning (sth) from one; fight for (sth) 扞衛(某事物); 爭奪(某物): Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground. 我方戰士寸土必爭.
/ d?be?t; d?ˋbet/ n [C, U] (a) formal argument or discussion of a question, eg at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a vote (正式的)辯論, 討論(如在公眾集會或議會中, 常以表決結束): After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill. 經過長時間的辯論, 下議院通過了議案. * to open the debate, ie be the first to speak 開始辯論(第壹個發言) * the motion under debate, ie being discussed 在辯論中的動議. (b) argument or discussion in general (壹般性的)辯論, 討論: After much debate, we decided to move to Oxford. 我們經充分討論決定遷往牛津. * We had long debates at college about politics. 我們上大學時曾長時間地辯論政治問題. * Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辭職壹事引起群眾議論紛紛.
> debate v
[I, Ipr, Tn, Tw, Tg] ~ (about sth) have a debate(2) about (sth); discuss (sth) 對(某事)進行辯論; 討論(某事): What are they debating (about)? 他們在辯論什麼? * We're just debating what to do next. 我們正討論下壹步該做什麼事. * They debated closing the factory. 他們爭論是否關閉工廠.
[Tn, Tw, Tg] think (sth) over in order to decide 考慮(某事物)以決定: I debated it for a while, then decided not to go. 我反覆考慮後決定不去. * I'm debating where to go on holiday. 我在琢磨到何處度假. * He debated buying a new car, but didn't in the end. 他思量很久是否買輛新汽車, 但最後還是沒買. debater n person who debates (debate 1) 辯論的人.
AHD: [?l“t…r-k?t”]
D.J. [6%8lt*7ke!t]
K.K. [6%lt+7ket]
v.intr.(不及物動詞) al.ter.cat.ed,al.ter.cat.ing,al.ter.cates
To argue or dispute vehemently; wrangle.
1. Latin alterc?r&9{?} alterc?t- [to quarrel]
拉丁語 alterc?r&9{?} alterc?t- [爭吵]
2. from alter [other] * see al- 1
源自 alter [其它的] *參見 al- 1
argue → 指提出理由或證據為自己或自己壹方的看法或立場辯護,著重說理、論證和企圖說服。
quarrel → 指兩人之間或兩個團體之間不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大聲爭論某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。
debate → 側重指意見等對立的雙方之間正式或公開的爭辯。
dispute → 側重對分歧進行激烈或熱烈的爭論或爭辯,帶壹定感情色彩,常隱含“各持已見”或“爭論不休”意味。
discuss → 最常用詞,指就某壹或某些問題表明觀點、看法等,以便統壹認識,解決問題。
reason → 指據理力爭以說服對方或求得對問題作更深入的研究。
controversy → 側重指深刻的意見分歧,多指對引起廣泛興趣或非常重要的問題的辨論。
argument → 指辯論雙方均以事實或理由來說服對方的辨論。
conflict → 指雙方堅持已見、互不妥協,懷有敵意的爭論,多暗示分歧極為嚴重,有時用語言無法解決,只得訴諸武力。
debate → 通常指經過仔細組織和計劃的個人或團體之間的辯論。
dispute → 普通用詞,側重指長時間,言詞激烈,針鋒相對的爭辯。
quarrel → 普通用詞,既可指言詞激烈的爭吵,也可指溫和的言詞上的不和。
strife → 指因不可緩和的矛盾而引起的爭吵或鬥毆。