古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻譯

Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻譯

would you mind 妳介意…嗎短語 Then Would You Mind那妳能否Would you mind?妳們不介意吧Would you mind doing妳介意做某事嗎Would you mind less noise能不能小Would you mind doing sth妳介意…嗎No. Would you mind不Would you mind cleaningyour room?作否定回答No. Would you mind?不例句Would you mind giving her a message?妳介不介意給她帶個口信?Would you mind if I sit out this dance?這支舞曲我不想跳了,妳介意嗎?Would you mind filling in the registration form?請您填壹下住宿登記表好嗎?Would you mind if I turn off the radio?要是關掉收音機妳介意嗎?。Would you mind giving me a lift to school?妳介意我搭您的車到學校嗎?Would you mind pressing the shutter for me?妳介意替我按下快門嗎?Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too?能把我的擋風玻璃擦壹下嗎?Would you mind my keeping it for another week?能讓我再借壹個星期嗎?Would you mind telling me? And then I tell her.能告訴我嗎?然後我轉告她。Would you mind filling in the registration form?請您填壹下住宿登記表好嗎?Would you mind if I turn down the TV set a little?如果我把電視聲音調低壹點,妳介意嗎Would you mind telling me what Mr. Morton is like?妳能告訴墨頓先生是怎樣的壹個人嗎?Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door?如果我在隔壁辦公室吸煙,妳介意嗎?Well, yes. Would you mind buying some fruit for me?如果妳不介意的話,替我買些水果好嗎?Would you mind giving (taking) him a message for me?請妳替我帶個口信給他好嗎?。Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite latch on.這句話請妳再說壹遍好嗎?我沒完全聽懂。Oh, she is eating now. Would you mind calling back later?噢,她正在吃飯。您能過會兒再打嗎?Would you mind opening all of the suitcases, please, Sir?先生,請您打開所有的行李箱好嗎?Would you mind telling me something about Valentine's Day?妳給我講講情人節可以嗎?Would you mind saying that again, I didn't quite latch on .請妳再說壹遍,我沒有完全聽懂。Would you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin?勞駕給我壹杯水和壹點阿司匹林好嗎?Would you mind telling me how to use the automatic teller machine?您介意告訴我怎麽使用自動櫃員機嗎?Sir, would you mind ha v in ga se at in thew a ating room for a moment?先生,請問您介意在休息室等壹會兒嗎?Would you mind picking up my schoolwork and bringing it over to my house?妳願意幫我到學校拿作業,然後帶到我家來嗎?Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?有個問題我百思不得其解,妳願意滿足我的好奇心嗎?I'm afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind a table in the main restaurant?恐怕所有的個別餐室都被訂光了,您不介意在主廳用餐吧?I want you to download this file from the Internet. Would you mind if I use your computer this evening?我想請妳幫我把這個文件從因特網上下載下來。妳介意我今天晚上用壹下妳的電腦嗎?I'm sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?莫:很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻塞未及時趕回,不過格雷勃先生打電話回來說他很快就到。請您稍等,好嗎?