古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - showcase是什麽意思




當showcase作為名詞,中文意思為“玻璃陳列櫃”、“展示的場合”、“玻璃櫃臺”;當showcase作為及物動詞,中文意思為“使展現”、“在玻璃櫥窗陳列”。後面可接介詞for,固定搭配為showcase for sb/sth。



例句:The festival was a showcase for young musicians.音樂節是青年音樂家展現才華的場合。

The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent.音樂節壹直是新秀展示才華的寶貴機會。

Ore specimens are on display in showcases.玻璃櫃裏陳列著各種礦物標本。I'd also like to see the tie in the showcase.我想看看陳列櫃裏的那條領帶。

This is not a direct shopping application however, more a showcase.不過,這款程序更多的是壹種展示,而非用於直購。

In New York fashion, the stage was set for a rocket showcase.在現在的洋基裏,這個舞臺是為了火箭人表演而設立。


例句:Restored films are being showcased this month at a festival in Paris.本月的巴黎電影節將展映壹些修復版的電影。

Jack found a film role that showcased all his talents.傑克找到了充分展示他才華的電影角色。

Restored films are being showcased this month at a festival in Paris.本月的巴黎電影節將展映壹些修復版的電影。

This week's program showcased the first of five plays.本周的節目展示了五臺戲的第壹臺。

The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.該展覽的主要目標是展示英國的優秀設計。

After all,their work must showcase and maintain their voice.畢竟,他們做過的事才是亮點,要保證讓他們發出自己的聲音。If you have order, you can showcase a lot of talent.如果有章法,妳可以展示出大量才能。