古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - monty 中文什麽意思

monty 中文什麽意思


full monty是壹個英國俚語,本意是指“全部基本”,即:the whole thing,但在具體翻譯時要根據上下文定。

妳看到的飯店上方所寫的The full monty的意思應該為“(本店供應各式菜,)壹應俱全”之意。

有壹部英國電影叫The Full Monty,中文譯名:壹脫到底。也許是因為the full monty表示“壹切都有了,壹切都看到了”,所以就有如此翻譯。挺有趣。


Definitions from Urbandictionary.com:

1. full monty

Doesn't necessarily mean to take off all your clothes. It just means the "whole thing" or going the "whole way" not stopping at a point.

2. full monty

To whack off, jerk off, or jack off completely naked; minimum requirement is no shirt, pants at half-mast. E.g. I just had a sweet full monty earlier today.