pull in的意思是(車輛)停靠、進站:指車輛在行駛過程中靠近路邊或進入車站停下來,以便乘客上下車或裝卸貨物。
1、Passenger:No,the next one. See that big building ahead?Pull in there.乘客:不是,是下壹條。看到前面那棟大樓嗎?在那裏停車。
2、This singer used to pull in a big crowd at our town.在過去,這名歌手總是能吸引本城的大批歌迷。
3、Pull in data from other sources through the standard SQL.通過標準的SQL從其他數據源拉入數據。
4、After the business failed, he had to pull in his horns pretty sharply.買賣失敗後,他不得不大大地削減生活開支。
5、To pull in data from the server and cache it locally.從開始服務器拉入數據的並緩存在本地。
6、You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果妳想避免破產,就必須節省開支。
7、Chance eon hit to pull in enemies toward your target and Slow them by%.擊中時有機會將其他敵人拉向妳的目標,並使其移動速度降低! (60-80)%。
8、For instance,you can pull in buyers by creating relevant content.例如,通過新的相關內容妳能拉動妳的買家。