古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 街道辦事處英語怎麽說


問題壹:“街道辦事處”英文怎樣翻譯 街道辦事處,就是英文裏的社區辦事處吧?

社區是munity,所以社區辦事處是munity office。

問題二:街道辦事處的英文怎麽說 街道辦事處

subdistrict office;sub-district office

問題三:"街道辦事處"英文怎樣翻 munity office

問題四:“街道辦事處”英文怎樣翻譯?如題 謝謝了 Office of the streets,望采納謝謝。

問題五:街道辦事處和居民委員會如何用英語翻譯? In the mainland of the People's Republic of China, a munity (社區), also called residential unit or residential quarter (小區) or neighbourhood (居民區) or residential munity (居住區), is an urban residential area and its residents administrated by a subdistrict (街道辦事處). For example, Beijing is made up of several districts and counties. Districts are the urban area, counties are the rural area. Every district of Beijing (e.g. Chaoyang District) has many subdistricts (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict), and every subdistrict administers (thus is divided into) many munities (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict administers Panjiayuan munity, East Panjiayuan munity, South Panjiayuan munity, East Wusheng munity, South Mofang munity, etc. 12 munities, whose geographical positions are adjacent). Every munity has a munity mittee or neibourhood mittee or residents' mittee (社區居民委員會), and every mittee administrates the dwellers living in that munity.

寧海路街道辦事處 Ninghailu Subdistrict

西康路社區居委會 Xikanglu munity mittee

問題六:英文翻譯壹下街道名字 No.1020 10F Fortune plaza East Kedong Road Shiqi District Zhongshan City

Room 1020 Risheng Plaza No.11 East Minke Road Shiqi District Zhongshan City

問題七:壹下這些街道辦事處的英文怎麽翻譯?謝謝 Printed text Room Information Center puter room to monitor e-file Section inquiries room veteran centers prehensive archives staff canteens

Trade union activity room ban drivers Shoufa Shi district chapter investigate and deal with illegal acts of operating branches of the legal system platform the work of the Fair Trade Bureau Trademark Bureau ad advertising contracts Branch

Office of Personnel Section to protect the interests of consumers plan to the Finance mittee

Section consumer market registered individual enterprises Regulatory Branch Division seized by the detachment of the conference room