作者:George Eliot 喬治·艾略特
A novel of great characters, it's an even greater novel of ideas and ideals. Middlemarch is the greatest social and psychological novel ever written in English.
2、Vampire in Love 戀愛中的吸血鬼
作者: Enrique Vila-Matas 安立奎·維拉-馬塔斯
Barcelona-born Vila-Matas has published more than 20 novels, and won the 2014 Prix Formentor. This selection of 19 stories showcases his dark yet whimsical wit and genre-blending tendencies. In the title story, a desperate man with two sharp vampire's teeth has a sinful eye for an altar boy. The narrator calls him "Saint Nosferatu". "Like all those in love", Vila-Matas writes, "he is both vampire and martyr".
3、Vanity Fair
作者:William Makepeace Thackeray
This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature, Becky Sharp, and a plot that revolves around class, social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eerily familiar to modern readers. Vanity Fair has it all. It both speaks of its time, and speaks of all times.
這部小說的主角或許是英國文學史上最知名的非正統派女主角——貝奇·夏普,小說的情節圍繞階級、躋身上流社會以及引發現代讀者奇異的熟悉感的金融危機。《名利場》這些要素全都具備, 講述那個年代,也講述著所有年代。
作者:Mary Shelley 瑪莉·雪萊
This pioneering work of science fiction and Gothic horror developed an indelible "monster" of a theme that has endured for centuries: of the scientist as a "modern Prometheus".
5、David Copperfield
作者:Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯
David Copperfield is populated by some of the most vivid characters ever created. They are as much a part of readers' world, and their way of thinking about the world, as people they have actually met.
1、Bleak House
作者:Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯
Bleak House is among Dickens novels, uniquely original in its alternation of first-person past-tense chapters with a concurrent third-person account in present tense.
2、 Great Expectations
作者:Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯
Great Expectations might be the quintessential British novel. To re-read Dickens' classic as an *** is to discover its wit and brio文筆生動, its influence, and its truth. It has all the elements of classic Dickens – endearing, flawed characters; a plot that skewers串住、刺穿 the politics of the time; subplots that skewer morality and culture; a love story; and a wonderful storyline.
3、Mrs Dalloway
作者:Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙
If the most precious gift of the novel as a medium is the power it has to break into the prison of human consciousness, to expose the gossamer 蛛絲似的,纖細縹緲的 weave of thought and feeling and memory that makes up our innermost lives, then Woolf's fourth novel stands alone at the pinnacle頂峰. Virginia Woolf made moderni *** live and breathe.
1、Lincoln in the Bardo 林肯在中陰
作者:George Saunders 喬治?桑德斯
2、The Girl from the Metropol Hotel
作者:Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
3、A Separation 壹場分離
作者:Katie Kitamura