古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - BuTTON是什麽?



button n. 按鈕 1、對話框中的壹種圖形元素。當激活它時,能執行指定的功能。用戶可以采用以下方法來激活按鈕:用鼠標在其上單擊,或者當按鈕獲得聚焦時按下“Return”或“Enter”鍵。英A graphic element in a dialog box that, when activated,performs a specified function. The user activates a button by clicking on it with a mouse or, if the button has thefocus, by pressing the Return or Enter key. 2、鼠標上的壹個活動片,用於激活壹些功能。舊式的鼠標模型只有壹個按鈕;新式壹般有兩個或更多個按鈕。英On a mouse, amovable piece that is pressed to activate some function. Older mouse models have only one button; newer modelstypically have two or more.