古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - worth、worthy ,worthwhile 用法的區別 最好詳細壹點,有例句

worth、worthy ,worthwhile 用法的區別 最好詳細壹點,有例句

Worthwhile (adj) 值得的

worthwhile 用於下列句型:

It is worthwhile doing sth./ to do sth.幹某事是值得的

但不能說:sth.is worthwhile doing/ to do

長城值得去旅遊.It is worthwhile visiting/ to visit the Great Wall.

worth 用於下列句型:sth.is worth sth/ doing


The museum is certainly worth a visit.=The museum is certainly worth visiting.


This idea is well worth considering.這個想法很值得考慮.

worthy 用於下列句型:sth.be worthy of sth/ being done sth.be worthy to be done

這部電影值得看.The film is worthy of being seen.= The film is worthy to be seen.