甲狀腺英文是:thyroid hormones。
1、過量的甲狀腺激素可能會導致骨質流失。Too much thyroid hormone can cause bone loss.
2、胺碘酮也可作為甲狀腺激素受體拮抗劑.Amiodarone also acts as a thyroid hormone receptor antagonist.
3、目的探討高通量透析對血清甲狀腺激素的影響.Objective To investigate the effects of high flux hemodialysis on serum thyroid hormone.
4、它也使甲狀腺激素控制代謝及有助維持免疫系統。It also makes thyroid hormones that control metabolism and helps maintain the immune system.
5、目的探討危重新生兒甲狀腺激素變化的臨床意義。Objective To find out the clinical significance of thyroid hormone changes in newborns with severe diseases.
6、目的:探討甲狀腺激素與充血性心力衰竭的關系。Objective: To investigate the relationship of thyroid hormones to congestive heart failure.
7、我相信甲狀腺激素治療並不適用於所有的肥胖病人。I believe that thyroid hormone treatment should not be given to all overweight subjects.?
8、結論iugr的發病與臍血甲狀腺激素水平低下有關。Conclusion IUGR is related to the decreased level of umbilicus blood thyroxine hormone level.