古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 求變形金剛2滴主題曲《new divide》歌詞同埋中文意思!!

求變形金剛2滴主題曲《new divide》歌詞同埋中文意思!!

New divide song By:林肯公園(linkin park) I remembered black skies the lightning all around me 我忘不掉那漆黑下壹直環繞我的電光 [00:42.67]I remembered each flash / 我還記得每壹束強光 as time blur 就仿佛時間的模糊 Like a startling sign / 好似最初的征兆 that fate had finally found me 最後,我也未能擺脫. And your voice was all I heard 而我所得到僅僅是妳那優美的聲音. That I get what I deserve 當然,這壹切都是我應得的 So give me reason / 那麽,請給我壹個理由 to prove me wrong / 證明我是錯的 to wash this memory clean 來將這慘痛記憶沖洗幹凈 Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes 讓我的淚水穿越妳眼睛裏我門之間的隔閡吧 Give me reason / 給我壹個原因 to fill this hole / 來填充這空白 connect the space between 將讓我門彼此理解 Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies 使之足以發掘出那充滿著謊言的真相 Across this new divide 來築起壹座心橋連接彼此. There was nothing in sight / 眼前壹片空白 but memories left abandoned 遺落下的記憶也被摒棄 There was nowhere to hide / 我亦無處藏身 the ashes fell like snow 灰燼如雪般飄零彌漫 And the ground caved in / between where we were standing 我們所站之處依舊在不斷地下陷 And your voice was all I heard 而此刻,我聽到的只有妳的笑語 That I get what I deserve 我也只佩得到這摸多了 So give me reason / 那麽,請給我理由 to prove me wrong / 證明我是錯的 to wash this memory clean 來將這記憶沖洗幹凈 Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes 讓我的淚水穿越妳眼睛裏我門之間的隔閡吧 Across this new divide 脫離這新的分水嶺吧 In every loss / in every lie 徘徊在每壹次的謊言與失敗 In every truth that you d deny And each regret / and each goodbye 每次的悔恨和分離 was a mistake to great to hide