古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 老師讓我們把英語單詞用英語解譯壹下可我不會,有沒有人幫我翻譯下,明天早上就要了,謝謝了真的不會。




affect:have an influence on (sb/sth) 影響

brutally:violently and cruelly 殘酷地

commitment:a promise to support sb/sth 承諾

consistently:always in the same way,opinions,or standards壹貫地,壹致地

demanding:making others meet high standards 挑剔的

destiny:that which happens to sb/sth (thought to be decided beforehand by fate) 命運

enhance:increase (the good qualities of sb/sth) 提高

fund:sum of money (saved or made available for a particular purpose)資金

handle:deal with, manage or control 處理、應對

identify:recognize sb/sth (as being the specified person or thing) 發現、找出

personally:by a particular person rather than by sb acting for them: 私人地、個人地