1、Basically,a subduction zone is where two tectonic plates collide.(基本上,俯沖帶就是兩個地殼構造板塊碰撞的地方。)
2、Find where fun and fit collide.(找到快樂和健康的交集。)No stars actually collide in the process.(沒有恒星會真的在這壹過程中碰撞。)Eventually,stack and heap will collide.(最終,堆和棧會沖突。)
3、Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the sideof the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect anddispose of the bodies.(司機經常與鹿相撞,路邊留下了如此之多的屍體,因此小鎮與當地的寵物墓地就收集和處理屍體達成協議。)
4、The dust particles collide with each other and form into larger particles.(這些塵埃小微粒。)Sometimes these clusters collide and merge with one another(有時,這些星系團之間會發生碰撞,並合二為壹。)
5、Would birds collide with the buoys or turtles become entangled in the cables?(鳥兒會不會撞上浮標?海龜會不會被纜索纏住?)When solid bodies collide,much debris is ejected,dissipatingenergy(當固體碰時,大量碎屑會彈出,從而耗散能量。)
6、Two jets look as though they are about to collide.(兩架飛機看起來好像即將發生撞。)It is important that the database Shared memory and stack do not collide.(使數據庫***享內存和堆棧不發生沖突,這壹點很重要。)
7、Like racked billiard balls,nascent galaxies were more likely to collide(就像臺球開球壹樣,最初的星系看起來非常容易碰撞。)