壹、詳細釋義: , n. , 拖拽 , 例句: ,The damaged freighter was taken in tow.,那損壞的貨輪被拖著走。, 例句: ,The lorry was on tow.,那貨車被拖著走。, 麻的粗纖維,落纖,短麻屑 , v. , 拖,拉,拽,牽引 [I,T] , 例句: ,My car towed his car to a garage.,我的車將他的車拖到了汽車修理廠。, 例句: ,The boat was towed by 2 horses on the bank.,小船由岸上的兩匹馬拖著前進。, 二、詞義辨析: , drag,draw,pull,haul,tug,tow,jerk ,這些動詞都有“拖、拉”之意。drag指沿斜坡而上或水平方向緩慢地拖或拉十分沈重的人或物。作借喻時可指把人硬拉扯過來。draw指將人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平穩意味,常作借喻用。pull最普通用詞,包含本組其它各詞的壹些意思,可指朝各個方向拉,側重壹時或突然拉動的動作。haul指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用詞。tug多指壹陣陣地用力拖或拉,但不壹定使被拉的人或物移動。tow特指用繩子或鏈條等拖或拉本身無動力或無法使用自身動力的東西。 jerk指快而突然地拉。, 三、相關短語: ,tow truck,n. 拖車,ski tow,n. 將滑雪者拉上山坡的吊索,tow car,救援車輛, 四、參考例句: ,The truck used a cable to tow the automobile.,卡車用纜索拖汽車。,Send a tow line to the tug from the stern.,從船尾送根拖纜給拖輪。,Can you send your tow truck over here?,妳們能派輛拖車來嗎?,The truck used a cable to tow the car.,卡車用纜索拖曳汽車。,The broken-down car was taken in tow by a lorry.,壹輛卡車拉著壹輛壞了的汽車。,The motorway is jammed with car tow caravans.,高速公路上擠滿了牽引著宿營車的小轎車。,If you park your car here, the police may tow it away.,妳要是把汽車停在這裏, 警察就會把它拖走。,What’s worse, the tow truck that was sent to pull it also got stuck.,更糟糕的是,被派來的拖車也陷入其中。,With children in tow I was planning a more wholesome, though equally as b *** , existence.,因為有孩子跟著,我計劃過壹種更有益健康,但同樣平淡無奇的生活。,The border has always been a bone of contention beeen these tow countries.,這兩國之間的邊界問題歷來是爭議的焦點。