接下來讓我們看下silent和 silence的其他區別:
1. 詞性不同:
"silent"是形容詞,用來描述人或事物的狀態,表示沒有聲音或不說話。 "silence"是名詞,指的是沒有聲音或沒有說話的狀態。
- The library was silent, with everyone studying quietly.(圖書館裏靜悄悄的,每個人都在安靜地學習。)
- The silence in the room made him feel uncomfortable.(房間裏的寂靜讓他感到不舒服。)
2. 持續性不同:
- The room became silent as soon as the teacher entered.(老師壹進來,房間就變得靜悄悄的。)
- The silence in the forest was broken only by the occasional sound of a bird.(森林裏只有偶爾的鳥鳴打破了寂靜。)
3. 主動和被動不同:
- He remained silent throughout the meeting, not uttering a single word.(在整個會議上,他保持著沈默,壹言不發。)
- The protesters were met with silence from the authorities.(抗議者在當局面前遭遇了沈默。)
4. 語境不同:
- The room was silent, and no one uttered a single word.(屋子裏寂靜無聲,沒有人說出壹句話。)
- The silence between them spoke volumes about their strained relationship.(他們之間的沈默無聲中訴說著他們緊張的關系。)
5. 起源不同:
- The young boy kept silent when asked about the missing cookies.(當問到丟失的餅幹時,那個小男孩保持沈默。)
- The tranquility and silence of the early morning were interrupted by the sound of an alarm clock.(清晨的寧靜與寂靜被鬧鐘聲打破了。)