古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - ability, capability和capacity三有什麽區別?

ability, capability和capacity三有什麽區別?


接下來讓我們看下ability, capability和capacity的其他區別:

1. 能力和技能的區別:

- ability:指個人具備完成某項任務或活動所需的技能或天賦。

- capability:指個人或組織具備完成某項任務或活動的潛在能力或資源。

- capacity:指個人或物體完成某項任務或活動的能力。


- He has the ability to speak multiple languages fluently. (他有流利地說多種語言的能力。)

- The company has the capability to develop innovative products. (該公司具備開發創新產品的能力。)

- The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000 people. (該體育場可容納5萬人就座。)

2. 意願和意向的區別:

- ability:強調個人具備或具備實現某事的潛在能力。

- capability:表達對某事可能成功實施的信心或決心。

- capacity:指個人或物體完成某事的實際能力或能力。


- She has the ability to finish the project on time. (她有按時完成項目的能力。)

- With proper training, he believes he has the capability to become a successful musician. (通過適當的培訓,他相信自己有成為成功音樂家的能力。)

- The team has the capacity to handle multiple projects simultaneously. (該團隊有能力同時處理多個項目。)

3. 量和範圍的區別:

- ability:通常指個人或事物在某個領域或特定任務上的能力。

- capability:通常指個人、組織或系統在多個領域內具備的廣泛能力。

- capacity:指個人或物體的能力、承載力或生產力。


- He has the ability to solve complex mathematical problems. (他有解決復雜數學問題的能力。)

- The organization has the capability to adapt to changing market conditions. (該組織具備應對不斷變化的市場環境的能力。)

- The factory has the capacity to produce 10,000 units per month. (該工廠每月生產壹萬個單位的能力。)

4. 實際和潛在的區別:

- ability:指個人或物體已經具備的實際能力。

- capability:指個人或組織潛在具備的能力,可以在特定條件下實現。

- capacity:指個人或物體已經具備或可以達到的實際能力。


- She has the ability to play the piano brilliantly. (她有演奏鋼琴的出色能力。)

- The company has the capability to expand its operations to international markets. (該公司有將業務擴展到國際市場的能力。)

- The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000 people. (該體育場可容納5萬人就座的能力。)

5. 特定和通用的區別:

- ability:指特定領域或任務中的能力。

- capability:更傾向於指壹般或多個領域的能力。

- capacity:不僅可以指特定領域或任務的能力,還可以指壹般能力或承載能力。


- His ability to understand complex scientific concepts is impressive. (他理解復雜科學概念的能力令人印象深刻。)

- The company has the capability to adapt to new technologies and trends. (該公司有適應新技術和趨勢的能力。)

- The airplane has a seating capacity of 200 passengers. (這架飛機可容納200名乘客的載客能力。)