古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - deity是什麽意思




舉例:1、In ancient Rome at that time, the cross figure emblems the deity of the sun god。在當時的古羅馬,十字圖形象征著太陽神的神性。2、What are we to make of the incredible similarity of Israel's deity and cult to those of her neighbors。我們要怎麽樣理解以色列的神和祭禮與它鄰國的神和祭禮極大的相似性。3、There are strata within the Bible that are clearly polemicizing against a certain kind of mythological presentation of the deity。聖經中有些階層顯然與某種神話形式的神存在矛盾。

根據詞根可以助記:dei 神的 + ty 構成名詞,表性質 -> deity 神。還可以聯想:ability n. 能力。amnesty n. 赦免,赦免期。anxiety n. 焦慮;令人焦慮的事,渴望,焦慮癥。deify v. 將尊奉為神,崇拜。divine adj. 神聖的;非凡的,天賜的。 v. 占蔔,預言,用占蔔勘探。 n. 牧師,神學家。