例句:1、His athlete career will officially end at the end of this year.他的運動員生涯將於今年年底正式結束。
2、He started a whole new career by himself when he was 30 years old.他三十歲時獨自開始了壹份全新的事業。
3、At the crucial moment of the game, the athlete careered towards his destination.在比賽的關鍵時刻,這名運動員朝目的地全速前進。
4、I think being an intern is more about getting started on a career path, like hospitality, marketing or accounting.我覺得實習才是真正走上了職業道路,比如說從事酒店服務業、營銷或者會計工作。
5、During his 40-year career in politics, he was one of the most popular public figures in France.在他40年的政治生涯中,他是法國最受歡迎的公眾人物之壹。
6、She wants to start a new career in marketing.她想在市場領域開始全新的事業。
7、The longevity of his career was of no concern to him.他不在乎自己職業生涯的長短。
8、You really should take the offer: it will provide you better career leverage in the future.妳真的應該接下這個職位:它能給妳未來的職業發展提供籌碼。