fight against,fight for,fight with,fight about分別是什麽意思
fight against與…作鬥爭〔爭吵〕; 反對…They were fighting against the enemy.他們在和敵人作戰。 fight for 為…而戰鬥〔競爭〕They fought for their country.他們為祖國而戰鬥。 fight with 用(某種武器)與(某人)交戰; 用(某種方式、手段)反對(某人)Now, we fight with guns.現在, 我們用槍打仗。與…爭鬥They had to fight with a force twice their number.他們不得不同兩倍於他們的敵人作戰。聯盟作戰In World War Two, the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the Germans.第二戰中美國聯合英、法兩國對德作戰。 fight about 爭奪; 爭吵He and his wife are always fighting about who will take the car.他們夫妻倆經常為搶著用家裏那部汽車互相爭吵。