古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - can是什麽意思


can1 [強k?0?3n; 弱k?0?5n] 過去式 could1) [表示能力、功能等]能,能夠,會:例句: We can and must overcome our shortcomings.

我們能夠而且必須克服我們的缺點。We want to buy a car that can seat five persons.

我們想要買壹輛能坐五個人的汽車。2) [表示可能性]可能;可以;會:例句: I can give you no definite answer until I've seen him.

在我見到他之前,我還不可能給妳明確的答復。In winter the winds can be very cold.

冬天的風會很冷的。3) [表示從內心裏可以接受]可以,能夠:例句: I can regard you as my brother but you must obey what I tell you .

我可以把妳看做我的兄弟,但是妳必須聽我的話。4) [表示請求、要求、建議等]可以:例句: Can you help me to carry these books to the classroom?

妳能不能幫我把這些書送到教室去?We can take a walk in the garden,if you like.

妳願意的話,咱們可以去花園裏散散步。5) [表示允許等]可以:例句: You can have my seat.I'm going now.

妳可坐在我的座位上,我現在就走。They can not talk at work.

他們上班時不準談話。6) [表示命令]得;必須:例句: If you don't do your homework, you can leave the classroom.

妳要是不做作業,就離開教室。7) [表示擁有某種權利、職責等]有權;可以:例句: Anyone can express his opinion in the confer-ence.

任何人都可以在會議上發表意見。8) [只用 could,表示願望]想要;真想:例句: I could give you a slap in the face.

我真想扇妳壹個耳光。9) [只用 could,用於婉轉的勸告或責備]該,當;其實可以;不妨:例句: You could have come a little earlier.

妳其實可以早壹點兒來。10) [表示驚訝、不相信等]到底可能;居然會,竟至於;竟能:例句: She can't be more than forty.

她不可能超過四十歲。How can you be so stupid?



may .


1. as… as(…) can be… …得不能再…,再…不過,非常…的2. as best one can見best3. can but只能…罷了,只得,只好;充其量不過4. can (或could) do with

a. 將就;能對付;滿足於

b. 需要;希望得到5. cannot but

a. [後接原形動詞]

b. 不得不

c. 不能不,不禁要6. cannot… enough…無論怎樣…也不會過分,越…越好7. cannot… too…=cannot… enough…8. can only[口語]=can but