古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - FOOL是什麽意思啊?



蠢人, 傻子; 白癡


(中世紀王侯、貴族雇養的)弄臣, 小醜



fool's gold

礦黃鐵礦, 黃銅礦

fool's paradise

幻想的幸福, 空想; 美夢

an April fool


a chess-playing fool



A fool always rushes to the fore. [諺]愚人總喜強出頭。

A fool and his money are soon parted. [諺]愚人有錢留不住。

A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. [諺]聰明人也會被傻瓜難倒。

A fool may give a wise man counsel. [諺] 愚者千慮必有壹得。

A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose. 傻瓜有時也能說到點子上。

A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. [諺]壹個蠢人造成的損失, 壹百個聰明人也不能補回。

a fool of circumstances 受環境擺布的人

A fool, when he is silent, is counted wise. [諺]傻瓜不說話就可以冒充聰明人。

Answer a fool according to his folly. [諺]按照愚人的蠢話回答愚人。

As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks. 不管蠢人怎樣想, 時鐘還是照樣響(只有愚人才相信自己的如意算盤)。

be a fool for 無法抵制的...誘惑; 喜愛

be a fool for one's pains 吃力不討好; 自找麻煩 吃別人的虧; 充當別人的玩具

be a fool to [古]處處不如..., 與...不可同日而語

be a fool to oneself 幹費力不討好的事(特指出於好心)

be fool enough to 真傻, 傻到...

be nobody's fool 機智的, 聰明的

beg sb. for a fool [廢]把某人當作傻瓜

beg sb. for a idiot [廢]把某人當作傻瓜

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. 寧做聰明的傻子, 不做愚蠢的聰明人。

bray a fool in a mortar 愚蠢是治不好的

Every man has a fool in his sleeve. [諺]人人都有糊塗的時候。

fortune's fool 命運的寵兒

If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. [諺]聰明人做起糊塗事來, 那才糊塗透頂。

make a fool of oneself [口]做傻事, 丟醜

make a fool of sb. [口]愚弄某人, 讓某人出醜, 使某人當傻瓜

make an April fool of sb. 把某人當四月壹日愚人節惡作劇的對象

no fool 絕非傻瓜, 精明機敏

nobody's fool 絕非傻瓜, 精明機敏

None is a fool always, every one sometimes. [諺]沒有終身的傻瓜, 也沒有終身不當傻瓜的人。

One fool makes many. [諺]聽蠢人話的人也將變成蠢人; 愚蠢也能傳染。

play the fool 扮醜角, 胡鬧 幹蠢事, 荒唐

act the fool 扮醜角, 胡鬧 幹蠢事, 荒唐

play the fool with 損壞, 糟蹋 愚弄, 戲弄, 勾引

put the fool on sb. [廢]把某人當傻瓜

suffer fools gladly [常用於否定句]耐著性子與蠢人相處, 對傻裏傻氣的人有耐心

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. [諺]愚者自以為聰明, 智者則有自知之明。

the fool of fate 被命運捉弄的人。

more fool you 妳[他, 他們]真傻

more fool him 妳[他, 他們]真傻

more fool them 妳[他, 他們]真傻

the more fool you 妳[他, 他們]真傻

the more fool him 妳[他, 他們]真傻

the more fool them 妳[他, 他們]真傻

no fool like an old fool. [諺]老傻瓜是無可救藥的

no fool to the old fool. [諺]老傻瓜是無可救藥的

There's no fool like an old fool. [諺]老傻瓜是無可救藥的

There's no fool to the old fool. [諺]老傻瓜是無可救藥的

There's more knows Tom F-than Tom Fool knows. [諺]臭名氣並不光彩。

Tom fool 大傻瓜, 大笨蛋

fool about 鬼混, 遊蕩 擺弄, 搗鼓, 同...瞎鬧

fool along [美]慢慢遊蕩, 磨蹭

fool around 遊蕩, 鬼混 玩弄

fool away 浪費, 虛擲(時間, 金錢等)

fool in grain 十足的大傻瓜

fool on 幹蠢事

fool with 擺弄, 玩弄

Fools and bairns should not see half-done work. [蘇, 諺]不要把沒完成的活給蠢人和小孩看; 蠢人和小孩看不到將來的成就。

Fools grow without watering [諺]傻瓜不用教。

Fools have fortune. (=Fortune favours fools) 傻人有傻福。

Fools make feasts and wise men eat them. 傻瓜擺酒席, 聰明 人吃酒席。

Fools never know when they are well. [諺]蠢人總是不知足。

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 傻瓜總是急不可待。

Fools should not have chapping sticks. [蘇, 諺]傻瓜不能動刀弄斧。(此詞是通常對小孩講的, 意為不能讓小孩拿尖利的刀具)

Fools will be fools still. [諺]傻瓜總是傻瓜。

Fools will be medding. [諺]蠢人專愛管閑事。
