古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - blossom bloom 有什麽區別?

blossom bloom 有什麽區別?


Peony is the king of all blooms(flowers)牡丹是白花之王

In many houses blooms are raised on balconies很多家裏陽臺上養花.

What beautiful blooms!多麽美麗的花!


Did you ever see apple blossoms?妳可見過蘋果樹的花兒?

The face of a beauty is compared in classical Chinese poems to the peach blossom.在中國古詩中,把美人的臉蛋比做桃花.


Do you like flowers?妳愛花嗎?

The rose is the national flower of England.玫瑰是英國的國花

Children are praised as the flower of this country.人們贊美兒童是這個國家的花朵