越劇:Shaoxing Opera 《梁山伯與祝英臺》 Butterfly Lovers
天津大劇院Tianjin Grand Theater
Dear Chris,
I have good news to tell you,. Remember the Chinese Romeo and Juliet I was telling you about? Well, I learned that the opera Butterfly Lovers are coming to Tianjng soon. Just like Shakespeare is a vital milestone in English literature, opera plays a large part in traditional, and even modern Chinese culture. This particular opera belongs to the Shaoxing branch of Chinese opera, which tends to be more tender, more romantic than the ShiKongZhan we watched last week, which belongs to the Beijing branch. It'll be a completely different experience.
The Butterfly Lovers will be on at the Tianjing Grand Theatre on August 5th at 2pm. The story of the Butterfly Lovers so much a part of Chinese myths that you can't miss it. The performance ends at 5pm, so we can catch the new Three Kingdoms movie afterwards. Plus, the theatre is holding a special, two student tickets for the price of one if you order at least three days in advance.
So let me know by August 1st and I'll order the tickets for us. You can email me or tell me in class.
Li Jin