LOMO 十大原則
1.隨身攜帶,隨時使用---無論白天或黑夜Take your LOMO with you EVERYWHERE you go .Use it all the time, every time DAY AND NIGHT
2.LOMO是生命的壹部分。 LOMO does not interfere with YOUR LIFE, it's part of it
3.從屁股那邊拍。 hoot from the hip and over your head
4.盡可能地接近妳期望中的物體。 Get as CLOSE as possible to the objects of your Lomographic desire
5.不要思考。 Don't think
6.動作要快。 Be quick
7.妳不需要預先知道妳會在照片中得到什麽。 You don't have to know what you're shooting
8.妳也不用設想妳事後到底拍出什麽。 You don't have to recognize what you've shot
10.不要理會這些規則。 Don't worry about rules