bedroom: [ 'bedrum, -ru:m ]
n. 臥室
例句與用法:1.She decorated her bedroom with flowers. 她用鮮花裝飾臥室。2.My bedroom is just above. 我的臥室就在上面。3.She was ill and stayed in the downstairs bedroom for a whole day. 她病了,在樓下的臥室裏呆了壹整天。4.I wish we could sound-proof the boys' bedroom! 把男生的寢室能弄成隔音的才好呢!5.Her bedroom is covered with posters. 她的臥室裏滿是畫片。6.She has pretty dancing slippers and comfortable bedroom slippers. 她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒適的臥室拖鞋。7.The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids. 我們臥室的壁紙是蘭花圖案的。8.Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house. 她的臥室是這座嘈雜房屋中壹個難得的安靜之處。
1. a room used primarily for sleeping
同義詞:sleeping room, chamber, bedchamber