對於already的用法,是在 英語學習 中是比較重要的壹個知識點,也是廣大學生比較容易混淆的知識點之壹,那麽already的用法有哪些?下面是我給大家帶來的already的解釋及用法_already的用法有哪些,以供大家參考,我們壹起來看看吧!
▼ already的解釋
已經 ; 早已 ; 已然 ; 本來 ; 既然
▼ already的用法
● 1. 表示“已經”,通常用於肯定句,不用於否定句或疑問句(此時要用 yet)。如:
He has already read the book. 他已經讀過這本書。
Has he read the book? 他已經讀過這本書嗎?
He hasn’t yet read the book. /He hasn’t read the book yet.
● 2. 有時也用於疑問句,但往往含有問話人希望得到壹個肯定回答或含有驚訝之意。如:
Is he back already? 他就已經回來了?
Has she gone to bed already? 她就上床睡了?
● 3. 壹般說來,already 不用於否定句,但它有時可用於否定的條件狀語從句中。如:
If he hasn’t seen the film already, he may get the ticket.
● 4. 與 already 連用的時態:
(1) 與行為動詞的完成體連用。如:
He has left already. 他已離去了。
By this time tomorrow I’ll have finished the job already. (www.yygrammar.com) 到明天這個時候,我將已做完這工作。
(2) 與行為動詞的進行體連用。如:
They are already working. 他們已經在工作了。
When I came in, he was already laying the table. 我進來時,他已在擺桌子了。
(3) 與持續性動詞或狀態動詞的壹般現在時或壹般過去時連用。如:
It’s already late. 已經遲了。
He already knew about it. 那時他已知道此事了。
▼ already的例句
1. He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.
2. The material consisted only of already published, unclassified information.
3. The country's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief.
4. The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites.
5. He is already getting in trim for the big day.
6. Already, both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side.
already的解釋及用法相關 文章 :
★ 關於already的用法及解釋
★ already的用法
★ 英語already的用法
★ stillyet和already的用法區別意思
★ aboard的用法總結幹貨
★ 教妳如何解答插空題
★ 關於advice的用法及解釋
★ 副詞的用法分類和作用
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