古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - birth怎麽讀



1、We tried to find the birth of this tradition but failed.我們試圖尋找這壹傳統的起源,但失敗了。

2、The lady with the birth of famous family fell in love with a clerk in a small company.這位出身於名門的大家閨秀和壹個小公司的職員談戀愛了。

3、The lady birthed a baby girl last night.這位女士昨晚生下了壹個女嬰。

4、The baby weighed three kilos at birth.嬰兒出生時體重為三公斤

5、He's on leave while his wife gives birth to their new daughter.妻子生女兒時他在休假。

6、Karen is due to give birth in October.Karen的預產期是10月份。

7、The birth of the new child evoked joy throughout the whole family.這個孩子的出生給全家人帶來了喜悅。

8、Pre-1800s,human life expectancy at birth was less than 40 years.19世紀前,人類預期壽命還不到四十歲。