student account 學生帳戶
current account 現金帳戶
checkbook 支票本
withdraw cash 取錢
deposit money 存錢
current rate 匯率
convert 兌換
coversion rate 兌換率
checking account 活期存款
time deposit 定期存款
saving account 存款賬戶
mature 到期滿期
signature 簽名
earn an interest of 生利息
telegraphic trasfer 電匯
bank draft 匯票
report the loss 報失
cashier card 信用卡
check the present balance in my account 查詢我帳戶余額
apply for a personal loan 申請個人貸款
clinic 診所
symptom 癥狀
flu 流感
have a sore throat 嗓子痛
have a stomachache 胃病
have a fever 發燒
have a cough 咳嗽
have a headache 頭痛
have a toothache 牙痛
feel dizzy 頭暈
feel chilly 發覺冷
vomit/throw up/nauseate 嘔吐
pills 藥丸
eye drops 眼藥水
vitamin 維他命
tablet 藥片
medication 藥物
injection 註射
cold cure 感冒藥
take one\s temperature 量體溫
feel one\s pulse 量脈搏
take one\s blood pressure 量血壓
have an operation 動手術
make an appointment 預約
health center 衛生所
surgeon 外科醫生
physician 內科醫生
dentist 牙醫
sneeze 打噴嚏
running nose 流鼻涕
have ringing in the ears 耳鳴
feel under the weather 不舒服
catch a cold 著涼了
nose congestion鼻塞
infection 傳染
have a check-up 做體檢
prescription 處方
medical result 診斷結果
fracture 骨折
heart attack 心臟病
faint/coma 昏迷
visiting hours 探視病人時間
emergency 急診
emergency rooms 急診室
confirm the flight 確認航班
non-stop /direct flight 直航
transfer / layover / stopover 中途停留
domestic flight國內航班
international flight國際航班
first/business/economy class 頭等/商務/經濟艙
check in 登機
conveyor belt 行李傳送帶
airhostess/stewardness 空姐
claim one\s baggage 領取行李
security check 安檢
Check-in counter 檢票處
check in the baggage 托運行李
loading area 行李裝載區
board 登機
land 著陸
behind/on schedule 晚/準點到達
fare (車票)費用
airfare 飛機票價格
departure 飛機離開
platform 月臺
gas station 加油站
duty―free shop免稅商店
Service station 服務站
Bus terminal 終點站
one way ticket 單程票
round trip ticket 來回票
rush hours 高峰期
peak season 旺季
driver’s license 駕照
zebra crossing 斑馬線
one way street 單行道
over speed 超速
ticket 罰單
free way 免費高速公路
tunnel/channel 隧道
metro/subway(美)/ underground (英)地鐵
overhead =light track 輕軌
flyover=overpass 人行天橋
go straight across/through 徑直走過/向
directly opposite 和...相對
wing 配樓/建築的壹部分
basement 地下室/第壹層
appointment 預約
recommend 推薦
resume/C.V. 簡歷
job vacancy 空缺
post 崗位
fill out the form 填表
qualification 資歷
job offer 工作機會
turn down 拒絕
after tax 稅後
day shift 日班
night shift 夜班
switch shift 換班
fulltime 全職
workload 工作量
letter of application 求職信
job-hunting 找工作
recruit 招聘
job hopping 跳槽
academic background 教育背景
certificates and honors 學位證書和榮譽證書
work overtime 加班
ask for a raise 要求加薪
allowance 津貼
annual income 年收入
promotion 升職
resign 辭職
laid-off 下崗
vacation 休假
annual leave 年假
sick leave 病假
chairman of the board 董事長
president 總裁
CEO Chief Executive Officer 首席執行官;執行總裁
general manager 總經理
department manager 部門經理
clerk 辦事員
enter for/sign up for 報名參加
available 有空
be tired up 受(時間的)約束,忙
ballet 芭蕾
concert 音樂會
baseball 棒球
bravo/encore 喝彩
golf 高爾夫
reservation 預約
youth hostel 青年旅館
snack 零食
strong 酒很烈
tipsy 微醉
loaded 酩酊大醉
gallery 畫廊
chef suggestion 招牌菜
cycling 騎單車
rock-climbing 攀巖
sun bath 太陽浴
beach activities 沙灘活動
gym 健身房
go sightseeing 觀光
places of historic interests 名勝古跡