古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - businesslike








又比如說,用I mean, you see, you know, what I mean is that之類的詞來解釋先前的話。


we are wasting our time. What I mean is that we spend most of our time not living in the moment. We are either regreting the past or worrying about the future.

4. 妳提的那麽多問題,我寫出來給妳其實對妳並沒有好處,妳知道為什麽嗎?考試不是考背壹句句句子就能拿到高分的。考官也能很明顯的看出來妳是背,何況加上考場緊張,更加難以發揮。那麽,怎麽辦呢?


Museum, theatre, development, subsidize, fast, rapid, swift , crucial , necessary 等等單詞,所有相關的單詞都需要。



big, large, huge, great, vast, immense, enormous, giant, gigantic, tremendous, titanic

colossal: large in size

A ship Titanic was colossal.

a colossal monument; a colossal statue


You give me a big surprise.

He is a big person.

The box is big.


an empty large box

a large number of people

great: 偉大

vast:遼闊,廣闊 vast desert

immense: immeasurable 不可測量的

an immense stadium, immense iceberg

enormous 重點突出數量、程度、體積;強調程度時,語意強於big

Eg: He made a big success. / He made an enormous success.

giant: 巨大的,高大的

a giant person 巨人 ; gigantic

tremendous: big, fast, powerful

The plane is traveling at tremendous speed.

titanic 用於修飾人和物,體積大、力量大

The ship is titanic.

huge:強調體積大 a huge stone 數量巨大 a huge sum of money




Mini 迷妳

Undersize 不夠大的

Puny 微不足道的

Wee 很少的,可做名詞

Slight 微小的/不結實的,脆弱的/輕蔑


Excessive 極度的,過度的

She takes an excessive interest in clothes。

Many , much ,a great many, plenty, a great deal, quite a few, quite little

Vast, huge 浩大



印象深刻的/難以忘記的 impressive; memorable;

英俊的 featurely handsome

好看;美觀 handsome;good- looking;pretty;beautiful

出色 smart;remarkable;brilliant;splendid;beautiful

華麗 gorgeous; flowery; resplendent

優雅 elegant graceful

雄偉 magnificent grand imposing(還有令人難忘/儀表堂堂的意思) spectacular(引人入勝的)

輝煌的 glorious(glory是名詞) brilliant

夢幻的 fantasy magic

有魅力的 charming attractive magnetic catching engaging captivating

可愛的 adorable; cute; lovely; likable; endearing

尊敬的 respectful; well-beloved; honorific; reverend

聰明的 clever; smart; bright; ingenious; wise; intelligent

獨特的 unique; distinctive; special

開心的 amusing happy glad jolly pleased cheerful delighted

幸運的 fortunate favored

繁榮的 prosperous flourishing booming

富饒的 fertile productive(卓有成效的) affluent

奇跡般的 miraculous fabulous(難以置信的/驚人的)

驚人的,難以置信的 incredible; wonderful; surprising; unbelievable; beyond belief; beyond imagination; marvelous

非比尋常的 uncanny; extraordinary;

勇敢的 courageous brave doughty fearless manful

自信的 self-confident

果斷的 decisive; resolute; manly

尊貴的 dignified; worshipful;

溫柔的 tender; mild; gentle; dolce; amoroso

感性的 sentimental emotional

熱情的 passional

激昂的 passionate heated

有效的 effective impactful

效率高的 efficient

有條理的 businesslike; coherent; organized; orderly; methodical

協調的 harmonious; compatible(可兼容的)

優異的 splendid; excellent; outstanding; first-rank; superior; standout; uncommon; superb; exceptional;

感恩的 grateful; gratitude;

活力充沛的 energetic; vigorous; dynamic; vital

謙虛的 modest humble

重要的 crucial; important; basilic; significant; considerable;

關鍵的 critical; vital; crucial;

不可缺少的 indispensible; of the essence; vital to;

轟動的 sensational




確實的 concrete; reliable;

景色優美的 scenic;

慷慨的 generous; openhanded; liberal;

體面的 decent; respectable;

知足的 contented;

新穎的 novel; fresh

名副其實的 veritable;


Simple, plain(還有 坦率/十足/明白 的意思)

天真的,單純的 naive innocent(涉世不深) childish

純潔的 honest and clean; pure; virgin

5.最後但是最重要的東西,是要妳背的: 我的口語句子整理,可以讓妳提升壹個檔次,記住,每天熟讀牢記。

Bravo! 好極了!

So long as you remember this is a non-fly zone.只要妳記得這不是妳亂來的地方。

Don’t give me that.別來這壹套。

There’s a lot of me in you.我身上有很多地方和妳相似。

I want to say this to you in private.我想跟妳私下談。

There is nothing to be scare of. We are all in this together. To the end.沒什麽好怕的。我們在壹起。到最後。

It’s ok to grieve but don’t shut us out. 傷心沒關系但別把我們拒之門外。

Is that so? 是那樣嗎?

There you go.妳做的好!

Then that leave nothing more than for us to … 剩下我們要做的不過是…

It’s time to move up the next level.是時候進行下壹步了。

I have some favors to ask you.我要妳幫我壹個忙。

My precious. 我的寶貝。

See you around. 回頭見。

You were that good? 妳有那麽好?

I just want to put you at ease. 我只想讓妳放心。

Words get around. 話說回來。

You are such a charmer. 妳真吸引人!

Somebody is using his head. 有人動了壹番腦筋啊。

I’m in the path of the tornado. 我遇上了麻煩。

I was scraping around for years. 我摸爬滾打多年了。

It’s good having you back. Place wasn’t the same without you.妳回來真好。妳不在的話壹切都不壹樣。

It’s wipe out our working capital 那把我們的運作資金都抹了。

I’ll keep an eye out for you. 我期待妳的到來。

I respect that more than you’ll ever know. 我遠比妳想象中尊崇它。

Why on earth won’t you finish it? 究竟為什麽妳不結束它?

Nothing springs to my mind.我腦袋裏面啥都沒想。

Bang to rights.壹目了然。

You looks like a bit of fan.看來妳有點迷上了哦。

I’ll keep you company.我會陪著妳。

You can’t second-guess him. 妳很難揣測他。

It’s a little sideline.這只是壹點副業。

All very hush-hush things.都是很保密的事情哦。

Not quite.不對。(委婉的說法.)

That’s worth a lot.感謝語。

Let’s look on the bright side. 我們樂觀點看好嗎。

Mind you.提醒妳。

That really was illuminating. 那真是讓人茅塞頓開。

Put this way. 這樣說吧。

Catch you later.等會見。

It’s payback time.是償還的時候了。

I’m bound to grand it. 我壹定滿足。

Dream on.繼續做夢吧。

They are setting me up. 他們算計我!

On what grounds? 出於哪方面?

Chill out.安靜。

Chill hard.放輕松。

Take wild guess.胡亂猜吧。

He’s very up and down. 他很調皮。

A common misconception.壹個普遍的認識錯誤。

You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on court.米蘭達。

None taken.別在意。

I’m just not your type.我並不適合妳。

Extremely so.絕對是。

Good seeing you.見到妳真好。

Not a very bad man by any criteria you choose to apply. / Not a very bad gentleman, by all accounts. 不管用什麽評定標準都不壞。

That’s all it takes. 需要的就是這些。

Impeccable(完整無缺的) timing. 來的正是時候。

Just about finished. 就快結束了。

We got a situation here. 我們這裏有點情況。

Move on. 繼續下去。

As god as my witness! 上帝可以幫我做證!

It’s exactly like it sounds.確實是聽上去那樣。

Oh, forget it. 哦,算了。

I have to keep my schedule. 我必須遵守時間。

That’s the way it has to be. 那是沒辦法的。

So long! 再見!

She’s nuts. 她瘋了!

She is the one. 她就是真命天女。

Let me get this straight. 讓我把這個搞清楚。

The pleasure’s all mine. 我很榮幸。

Welcome to my humble home.歡迎來到寒舍。

He looks blue. 他看起來有點傷心。

Precisely. 完全正確。

You deliberately disobey me. 妳故意忤逆我。

That was it? 就那個?(輕蔑)

Hanging on every word.壹字不漏的聽著。

I’ll just leave you to your thoughts. 我就讓妳靜壹下吧。

If it’s not gonna put you too much of a bind… 如果不會給妳造成太大困擾的話。

Why would he keep me in the dark? 為什麽他瞞著我?

Not so long as I’m around. 只要我在就不可能。

Gotcha. 收到了。

Signore 男士的尊稱/君

It’s beyond belief/miraculous. 那是超越理念的/奇跡般的。

Free to do all my way. 隨心所欲做事。

I can’t wait to see you.我迫不及待想見妳。