古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - #詞匯辨析#alternate&alternative



alternate指輪流的(happens or appears by turns),alternative則指供選擇的(having a choice), 但現在美國也用alternate指選擇 (例:offer alternate selections, taking an alternate route when they drive, alternate technologies,但英國人在上述語境中依然使用alternative)。



-one after the other, alternating in a regular pattern(交替的):

at alternate periods

-every other, every second (one)(間隔的):

on alternate weekends


-someone who alternates with somebody else in doing something

-a substitute or reserve for someone else(替補)

named first alternate to sb.

*alternative (comes from the Latin for "the other of two")


-one of only two possibilities (traditional)-->choices between two or more things (modern)

-something that you prefer to something else, or that you at least accept as a choice:

alternative energy sources(替代能源)

alternative medicine(替代醫學/替代療法)

alternative rock (另類搖滾)


-a possible choice between two or more things:

once they have exhausted all other alternatives

# Keep in mind that the word alternative may suggest an obligation to make a choice; also, saying that something in one alternative may imply that it's a good choice, or at least that it's good enough.