新視野大學英語預備級部分答案 =。- 不是非常準確。unit 11如果明天天氣晴朗,他將帶她的女友去海灘玩。(take sb to)1. If it is fine tomorrow, he will take his girlfriend to the beach to have a good time.2當他是個年輕小夥子的時候,他對自己的言行非常敏感。(be sensitive about)2. When he was a young fellow he was very sensitive about what he had said and did.3他對壹位女孩子特別感興趣,經常同她壹起去上海大劇院(Shanghai grand Theater)3.He was particularly interested in a girl and often goes to Shanghai grand Theater with her to watch plays.4他壹說完要說的話,旁邊的那個夥伴便興奮之極,哈哈大笑。(next to)4.As soon as he finished what he had to say, the guy next to him got extremely excited and laughed loudly5那個男孩那天不願去上課,他父母不得不反復催促他上學。(be willing)5.On the day the boy was not willing to go to school, so his parents had to urged him again and again. unit 41他們急切要知道是否可以在這個房間裏過夜。(available)1.They were eager to know whether the room was available for them to spend the night2老師說話聽起來好像感冒了,或者咳嗽。(sound as if)2.It sounds as if the teacher had a cold or a caugh when he was speaking3在很長壹段時間裏,我們國家有許多人相信13這個數字會帶來厄運。(a long length of time)3. For a long time, many people in our contry belived the number 13 brings bad luck.4他是壹個勤奮的學生,學過的每壹篇課文都能夠背誦。(by heart)4.As a hardworking student he learns by heart every text he studied5自從王教授從以前的住處搬走以後,我壹直沒看見過他。(the old neihborhood)5.I haven’t seen professer Wang since he moved away from his old neighborhood unit 61壹個人壹生中最美好,最幸福的重大事件之壹發生在舉行婚禮的那天.(take place)1.One of the most beautiful and happiest events in one’s life takes place on the day when one’s wedding is held.(有ontheday 所以不要inwhich要用when)2她的母親辛辛苦苦地縫制棉織品。(slave)2.Her mother slaved over the task of sewing cotton items.3許多人為準備婚禮而花費很多時間和金錢。(prepare for)3.Many people spend a lot of time and money in preparing for their wedding parties4過去,姑娘出嫁時要帶許多東西到丈夫家去,包括被褥,床單,大衣櫃等。(include)4.In the past at her wedding a girl was expected to bring many things to her husband’s home including bedding, sheet, a large clothes closet and so on.5男女訂婚壹年後舉行婚禮,這是壹種傳統習俗。(be engaged)5.It is a taditional custom that a couple's marriage takes place one year after they are engaged Q1:Unit11.If it is fine tomorrow, he will take his girlfriend to play on the beach.2.When he was a young fellow he was very sensitive about what he said and did.3.He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to the Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays.4.As soon as he filished what he had to say the guy next to him got extremely excited and laughed loudly.5.That day the boy was not willing to go to school so his parents had to pushed him again and again.Unit 41.They were eager to know if the room was available for them to spend the night.2.The teacher sounded as if he had a cold or a cough when he spoke.3.For a long length of time many people in our country believed the number 13 was to bring bad luck.4.As a hardworking student he learns by heart every text he had studied.5.I haven't seen professor Wang since he moved away from the old neighborhood.unit 61.One of the most beautiful and happiest events in one's life takes place on the day on which one’s wedding is held.2.Her mother slaved over the task of sewing cotton items.3.Many people spend a lot of time and money on preparing for their wedding parties.4.In the past at her wedding a girl was expected to bring many things to her husband's home including guiles, sheets,and a large clothes closet and so on.5.It is a tradition custom that a couple's marriage takes place one year after they are engaged.Q2:1. There came the teacher as students sat around the classroom discussing issues.2. I bought this house last year and haven't paid off the loan.3. My friend nodded at me and then considered the question I raised carefully.4. It is not hard to see that housing becomes a popular subject currently.5. Gradually you get used to problems of the old house, just like getting used to your own flaws.