古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 預報地震的英文


How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer

他們向中國學習如何監測和 預報地震 ,學習中國在研究癌癥的病因和治療方面是如何取得這麽多成就的。

How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer

他們來中國學習如何監測和 預報地震 ;學習中國在研究癌癥的病因和治療方面是怎樣取得如此巨大成就的。

Ideally , one day , researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly

最理想的情況是,有朝壹日研究人員能夠對地震的成因及具體斷層的性質有足夠的了解,從而能夠直接 預報地震 。

But we can identify earthquake zones even if we cannot predict earthquakes and we can look forward to summer even if we cannot forecast the weather on 4 june next

但是` ,即使咱們沒法 預報地震 ,也能確定地震帶;盡管咱們沒法預測明年6月4曰的天氣,但卻能預見夏天的到來。

Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that e before anyone feels the ground shake

東京(美聯社) :科學尚未達到準確 預報地震 發生時間的地步,但日本很快將做到僅次於次:在人們感覺到地震之前以電視廣播發布預警信息。

The system ? the first of its kind in the world ? does not predict quakes , but officials say it can give people enough time to get away from windows that could shatter , or to turn off ovens and prevent fires from razing homes

這個全球首創的系統並不能 預報地震 ,但是官方宣稱它能給人們足夠的時間從易壞的窗戶逃離,或關閉烤爐而防止家裏發生火災。

The beginning and development of monitoring and predicting earthquake from 1970 to 1976 in sichuan province and the typical example for the protecting against earthquakes are described in this paper

摘要記述了1970 ~ 1976年四川地震群測群防的興起和發展,介紹了四川群測群防、專群結合預測 預報地震 的典型事例,特別對松潘平武7 . 2級地震預測預報群測群防的作用作了反映。

Combined with some previous results , we have generapzed prepminarily the dynamic evolution characteristics of stress field in the focal region and its adjacent area before moderate and strong earthquakes , and tried to give out the judgement index of earthquake prediction with the prehensive mechani *** solution of *** all earthquake

結合前人的有關研究成果,綜合歸納了中、強地震前震源區及附近應力場的動態演變特征,並嘗試給出了小震綜合機制解參數 預報地震 的判據指標。