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A pound of flesh

Bassanio and Shylock come

Bassanio:Hello,Mr. Shylock. Long time no see. How about you business these days, I mean lending money with interests.But now I want to tell you something. Would you like to give me a hand? Can you lend me three thousand dollars?

Shylock: Three thousand dollars; well

Bassanio: Ay, Sir, for three months.

Shylock: For three months; well.

Bassanio: For the which, as I told you, Antonio shall be bound.

Sholock: Antonio shall be bound; well.

Bassanio: Shall I know your answer?

Shylock: Three thousand dollars for three months and Antonio bound.

Antonio enters

Bassanio: This is Antonio.

Shylock: Antonio, many a time and often in the rialto(交易所),you have rated(估價) me about my money, and I have born it with a patient shrug(我總是忍氣吞聲,聳聳肩膀,沒有跟您爭辯),for sufferance(忍耐) is the badge(特色) of all our tribe. You call me misbeliever(異教徒), cut-throat dog(殺人的狗),and spit up(吐痰) on my Jewish garments. Well then it appears you need my help: you come to me, and you say ‘Shylock, we would have money’, you say so, you did void your rheum(吐唾沫) upon my beard, and foot me as you spurn(棄絕) a strange cur(雜種狗).What should I say to you? Should I say dog has money? Is it possible a cur can lend three thousand dollars? Or shall I bend low and in a bondman’s key(像壹個奴隸壹樣),with a bated breath(低聲下氣) and whispering humblenee(恭恭敬敬的), say this: Fair Sir, you spit on me on Wednesday last, you spurned such a day, another time, you call me a dog, and for these courtesies(禮貌), I lend you thus much money.

Antonio: I am as like to call you so again. To spit on you again, to spurn you too.

Shylock: Why, look you, how you angry. I would be friends with you and have you love.

Bassanio: This were kindness.

Shylock: This kindness will I show. Go with me to a notary(公證人),seal me there(在哪兒簽約),your single bound; and in a merry sport(不妨開個玩笑). If you repay me not on such a day, in such a place, such sum or sums as are expressed in the condition. Let forfeit(罰款,沒收物) be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh, to cut off and taken in what part of your body please me.

(Three months later. The day of payment being past, the cruel Jew would not accept of the money which Bassanio offered him, but insisted upon having a pound of Antonio’s flesh. A day was appointed to try this shocking case before the Duke of Venice, and Bassanio in dreadful suspense(焦慮) the event of the trial(審判)。

people: Including Duke,Bassanio,Shylock,Antonio,Portia

Duke: What, is Antonio here?

Antonio: Ready, so please your grace(有,殿下)

Duke: I am sorry for you: you have to answer a stony adversary(對手),an inhuman wretch, uncapable of pity, void, empity from any dram of mercy.(我很為妳不快,妳是跟壹個心如鐵石的對手但當庭對質,壹個不懂憐憫, 沒有壹絲慈悲心的不近人情的惡漢。)

Antonio: I do oppose my patience to his fury, to suffer.

Duke: Go one, and call the Jew into the court.

Bassanio: He is ready at the door, he comes, my Lord.

Duke: Make room, and let him stand before our face. Shylock, the world think, and I think so too, you leads this fashion of the malice(惡意),to the last hour of act,you would show your mercy.And now execuate the penalty, which is a pound of this poor merchant’s flesh. But, touched with human gentlenee and love, forgive it, glancing an eye of pity on his losses,we all expect a gentle answer, Jew.

Shylock: And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn, to have the due(應得物),and forfeit of my bond. You ask me, why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh (腐肉) than to receive three thousand dollars, I’ll not answer that. But, say, it is my humour, is it the answer? What if my house be troubled with rat(老鼠),and I be pleased to give ten thousand dollars to have it baned? What, is it a answer? Some men they are love not a gaping pig(張開嘴的豬),some are mad if they behold a cat,as there is no firm reason to be render(回答). So can I give no reason.

Bassanio: This is no answer, you unfeeling man, to excuse the current of the cruelty.(妳這冷酷無情的家夥,這樣的回答可不能作為妳的殘忍的辯解。)

Shylock: I want to please you with my answer.

Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love?

Shylock: Who will hate anything he would not kill?

Bassanio: Every offence is not a hate at first.

Shylock: What, would you have a serpant(大毒蛇) sting you twice?

Bassanio: For the three thousand dollars, here is six.

Shylock: What judgement shall I dread(擔心), I would not want six thousand, I would have my bond.

Duke: How shall you hope for mercy?

Shylock: what judgement shall I dread, doing no wrong? I answer you: the pound of flesh, which I demand of him, is already bought, this is mine. And I will have it. If you deny me, fie(呸) upon your law!(妳們的法律見鬼去吧!) I stand for judgement: answer, shall I have it?

Duke: I just received a letter from Bellario, a learned doctor.

Bassanio: ( to Shylock)Why does you whet(磨快) the knief so earnestly?

Shylock: To cut the flesh from that bankrupt there.

Duke: This letter from Bellario does command a young and learned doctor to our court. Where is he.

Portia: Just stands near here.

Duke: With all my heart, welcome. Do you understand the two viewpoint in the court?

Portia: Of course I know. Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?

Duke: Antonio and old shylock, both stand forth.

Portia: Is your name Shylock?

Shylock: Shylock is my name.

Portia: The case is strange, but according to the Venetian law, cannot limit you as you do proceed. (point to Antonio) You stand within his danger, do you not? (妳的生死掌握在他的手裏,是不是?)

Antonio: Ay, so he says.

Portia: Do you confess the bond?

Antonio: I do.

Portia: Then must the Jew be merciful(仁慈)

Shylock: Why must I be merciful? Tell me the reason.

Portia: The quality of mercy likes gentle rain from heaven, and mercy was double blessing, we all prey for mercy.

Shylock: My deeds are desided by my head! I ask the law, the penalty and forfeit of my contract.

Portia: Is he not able to pay the money.

Bassanio: Yes, here I want to pay it for him in the court, twice the sum, if that not enough, I want to pay it ten times. The things I pay can be my hands, my head, my heart. If this will not enough,I would thought you were bad enough. And I ask you correct once the law, to do a great right, do a little wrong, and control this cruel devil of his will.

Portia: It must not be; ther is no power in Venice can alter a law established.

Shylock: A wise young judge, how I do honour you.

Portia: I pray you, let me kook upon the bond.

Shylock: Here this, most reverend(尊敬的) doctor, here it is.

Portia: Shylock,there’s thrice(三倍的) the money offered you.

Shylock: An oath(誓言),an oath, I have an oath in heaven. Shall I lay perjury(偽證) up on my soul, No, not for Venice(整個威尼斯給我都不行).

Portia: Why, this bond is forfeit(照約處罰),Jew may cut off a pound of flesh nearest the merchant’s heart. Be merciful, take thrice the money, bid(吩咐) me tear bond.

Shylock: When it is paid according to the bond. It does appear you are a worthly judge. You know the law, your exposition(說明) has been most sound, I charge you by the law, you are a well-deserving pillar. There is no power in the tongue of man I stay here om my bond.(誰也不能用他的口舌改變我的決心,我現在等著執行).

Antonio: Most heartly I do beseech(懇求) the court to give the judgement.

Portia: You must prepare your bosom for the knife.

Shylock: Oh, noble judge! Oh, excellent young man!

Portia: therefore lay bare your bosom. Are ther balance here to weigh the flesh.

Shylock: I have them ready.(take out a knife)

Portia: Ask a surgeon to come, Shylock, on your charge(費用歸妳), to stop his wounds, otherwise he will bleed to death.

Shylock: Is it so nominated in the bond? I cann’t find it ,it isn’t in the bond.

Portia: You, merchant, have you anything to say?

Antonio: But little , I am well perpared , give me your hand, Bassanio, Goodbye forever. Commend me to your honourable wife, tell her the process of Antonio’s end; say how I loved you, speak me fair in death(從容就義); he won’t regret it he pays you debt. For the Jew do cut but deep enough, I’ll pay it presently with all my heart.

Bassanio: Antonio, I am married to a life which is as dear to me as life itself; but your life is the most important than all of this. I would lose all, sacrifice them all. Here to this devil, to delieve you.(我願意喪失壹切,把它們獻給這惡魔做犧牲,來救出妳的生命).

Portia: You wife would give you little thanks for that. If she were here.

Shylock: these be the christian husbands. I have a daughter, would any son of burgler had been her husband rather than a christian!

Portia; A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is yours: the court awards it, and law does give it.

Shylock: most rightful judge!

Portia: you must cut this flesh from his breast. The law allows it, and the awards it.

Shylock: most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare!

Portia: Wait a moment, there;s something else. This bond include no jot(少量) of blood; the words expressly are a pound of flesh. But, in the cutting, if you does shed one drop of christian’s blood, your lands and goods confiscate(充公) by the Venice law.

Bassanio: Oh, learned judge! Listen, Jew, a learned judge.

Shylock: Is that the law?

Portia: You will see the act(妳自己可以去看看明白). For as you urgest justice, be assured you shall have justice(既然妳要求公道,我就給妳公道),more than you desired.

Shylock: I take this offer, then pay the bond thrice. And let the christian go.

Bassanio: Here is the money.

Portia: Soft(別忙), The Jew shall have all justice; soft! No haste. He shall have nothing but the penalty.

Bassanio: Oh, Jew! An upright judge, a learned judge!

Portia: Therefore prepare you to cut off the flesh, neither blood, nor cut less nor more, but just a pound of flesh; if you cut more or less than a just pound, if the scale do turn, you die and all the goods are confiscate.

Bassanio: Now, I have you on the hip(妳可掉我手裏),

Partia: why does the Jew pause? Take the forfeiture.

Shylock: Give me my principal(本金),and let me go.

Bassanio: I have it ready for you; here it is.

Portia: He has refused it in the open court. He shall have merely justice and his bond.

Shylock: Shall I not have barely my principal?

Portia: You would have nothing but the forfeiture, except cutting a pound of flesh at the danger. Jew.

Shylock: Then the devil give him good of it! I’ll stay no longer question(讓魔鬼保佑他去享用吧!我不打這場官司了).

Portia: Jew, the law have another relation to you. To seek the life of any citizen by direct or indirect attempts,half of his property belongs to the citizen, the other half to the state. The danger formely by me rehearsed(妳已經遭逢我剛才所說起的危險了). Down therefore and beg merce of the duke.

Duke: You will see the difference of our spirts, I pardon you the life before you ask it. For half the wealth, it is Antonio; the other half to the state.

Portia:Ay, for the state, not for the Antonio.

Shylock: No, take my life and all; pardon not that. You take my house when you do take the prop(支柱) that does sustain my house; you take my life when you do take the means(養家活命的根本) whereby I live.

Portia: What mercy can you give him, Antonio? A rope for kill or else?

Antonio: I will happy if Lord quit this fine for one half. The other half I will give the lover of his daughter.

Portia: Are you contended, Jew? What do you say.

Shylock: I am content, thank you very much.