Fish cooked with vinegar and pepper (醋椒魚) (Cu Jiao Yu)
Shrimp chips with egg (金魚戲蓮) (Jin Yu Xi Lian)
Fish soaked with soup (幹燒魚) (Gan Shao Yu)
Family style boiled fish (家常熬魚) (Jia Chang Ao Yu)
Sea cucumber with quail egg (烏龍吐珠) (Wu Long Tu Zhu)
Fish cooked with five kinds of sliced vegetable (五柳魚) (Wu Liu Yu)
Abalone with peas and fish paste (蛤蟆鮑魚) (Ha Ma Bao Yu)
Meat wrapped in thin mung bean flour pancake (煎餅馃子) (Jian Bing Guo Zi)
Egg and shrimp wrapped in corn flour pancake (糊餅) (Hu Bing)
Fried tofu with egg wrapping (鍋塌豆腐) (Guo Ta Do Fu)
Wheaten cake boiled in meat broth (鹵煮火燒) (Lu Zhu Huo Shao)
Fried wheaten pancake with meat and sea cucumber fillings (褡褳火燒) (Da Lian Huo Shao)
Fried butter cake (奶油炸糕) (Nai You Zha Gao)
Fried cake with fillings (燙面炸糕) (Tang Mian Zha Gao)
Fried dry soybean cream with diced meat filling (炸響鈴) (Zha Xiang Ling)
Dried Soy Milk Cream in Tight Roll with Beef Fillings (炸卷果) (Zhua Juan Guo)
Lotus ham (蓮棗肉方) (Lian Rou Zao Fang)
Pork in broth (蘇造肉) (Su Zao Rou)
Goat/sheep intestine filled with blood (羊霜腸) (Yang Shuang Chang)
Beef wrapped in pancake (門釘肉餅) (Men Ding Rou Bing)
Soft fried tenderloin (軟炸裏脊) (Ruan Zha Li Ji)
Meatballs soup (清湯丸子) (Qing Tang Wan Zi)
Fried sesame egg cake (開口笑) (Kai Kuo Xiao)
Pork fat with flour wrapping glazed in honey (蜜汁葫蘆) (Mi Zhi Hu Lu)
Glazed fried egg cake (金絲糕) (Jin Si Gao)
Steamed egg cake (碗糕) (Wan Gao)
Lotus shaped cake with chicken meat (蓮蓬雞糕) (Lian Peng Ji Gao)
Fried thin pancake with meat stuffing (炸卷果) (Zha Juan Guo)
Noodles (Can be either vegetarian or served with meat)
Noodles with Thick Gravy (打鹵面) (Da Lu Mian)
Zhajiang mian (炸醬面)
Naked oats noodle (蓧面搓魚) (You Mian Cuo Yu)
Mustardy Chinese cabbage (芥末墩) (Jie Mo Dun)
Beijing preserved fruit (果脯) (Guo Pu)
Beijing candied fruit (蜜餞) (Mi Jian)
Hawthorn cake (京糕) (Jin Gao)