Paying
to
a
person
who
like
is
willingly
of
affair,
in
spite
of
is
what
affairs
would
like
to
do
for
you,
even
is
for
you
to
give
up
life,
this
be
my
promise
to
you.
心甘情願只為他壹個人付出,壹顆心寧缺毋濫
For
him,
willing
heart,
nothing
more
Paying
to
a
person
who
like
is
willingly
of
affair,
in
spite
of
is
what
affairs
would
like
to
do
for
you,
even
is
for
you
to
give
up
life,
this
be
my
promise
to
you.
心甘情願只為他壹個人付出,壹顆心寧缺毋濫
For
him,
willing
heart,
nothing
more