2005.9-2006.7加入造船工程學會。 To join the Institution of Naval Architecture in school
2006.9 -2007.3在校圖書館做圖書管理工作。 To manage the school library.
2007.4-2008.7在學生處做文檔管理,報紙分發等工作。Files arrangement and newspapers distributions in school student division.
社會實踐: Social practice:
2006-2007參加浦東圖書館 “世博英語”誌願者活動,表現優異。 Good performances of Expo Volunteeers at library in Pudong
2006.9做過為期壹周的交通協管工作,得到好評。 Well reputaions from assisting the traffic for a week.
2006.10-2006.11在永樂店為長虹電視做宣傳與銷售,得到好評。 To gain recognitions from promotion of Changhong Television at surpermarket.
2007.10-2007.11在育鋒輪航行實習三周往返於中韓。 To practise in Yu Feng Liner for three weeks' daily trips between China and Korean.
榮譽與獎勵: Rewards:
2005-2006上海海事大學校儀仗隊隊員聘請書。 Written invititaion of honor guard teamer given by Shanghai Maritime University.
2006-2007獲“內務標兵”稱號。 To gain a name of Superior of Affairs.
2007-2008獲優秀團員稱號。 To get a name of Excellent League Member.
2008-2009獲校三好積極分子。To obtain Merit and Activity member.
2006-2007,2007-2008獲得兩次國家勵誌助學金。To earn twice country encouraged stipend.
2008-2009獲得校專業三等獎學金。 To attain scholarship of speciality from school.
自我評價: Self-evaluation:
精力充沛,熱衷於工作和生活。Full of energy, high on my life and work.
做事持久努力,堅韌不拔。 To work hard constantly.
平易近人,自信樂觀,為人誠懇,性格開朗 ,富有創造力 ,有較強的組織能力和團隊精神,工作積極進取,態度認真。 folksy, confident, optimical and hnor maners , plesant personality, abundant creative ability, and strong organize capability and team spirit, and the work attitude is thrustful and serious.
願意學習,有問題積極處理不逃避。 Be willing to study, to solve problems actively and bravely.
有良好的表達能力,具有冷靜分析的品質和習慣。Good communication skills and straight thinking quality and habit.