1.集裝化 containerization
2.散裝化 containerization
3.直接換裝 cross docking
4.配送 distribution
5.***同配送 joint distribution
6.配送中心 distribution center
7.分揀 sorting
8.揀選 order picking
9.集貨 goods collection
10.拼箱貨 less than container load (LCL)
11.儲存 storing
12.保管 storage
13.物品儲存 article reserves
14.庫存 inventory
15.經常庫存 cycle stock
16.安全庫存 safety stock
17.庫存周期 inventory cycle time
18.前置期(或提前期) lead time
19.訂貨處理周期 order cycle time
20.貨垛 goods stack
21.堆碼 stacking
22.搬運 handling/carrying
23.裝卸 loading and unloading
24.單元裝卸 unit loading and unloading
25.包裝 package/packaging
26.銷售包裝 sales package
27.定牌包裝 packing of nominated brand
28.中性包裝 neutral packing
29.運輸包裝 transport package
30.托盤包裝 palletizing
31.運輸 transportation
32.聯合運輸 combined transport
33.直達運輸 through transport
34.中轉運輸 transfer transport
35.甩掛運輸 _drop and pull transport
36.集裝運輸 containerized transport
37.集裝箱運輸 container transport
38.門到門 door-to-door
39.整箱貨 full container load (FCL)
40.組配 assembly
41.流通加工 distribution processing
42.冷鏈 cold chain
43.檢驗 inspection ;