I'm really picky about films and this actually was original and humorous...smart and well acted. Unique.
Just go see it when it comes out. A few people I saw it with said it might be one of the best movies of the year. I completely agree with them. At first it seemed like the movie wasn't going to be funny at all...I mean can a mute and a suicidal man make a comedy? Yes they can!
It got funnier as it went along. I laughed so much I got tears in my eyes during the last dance scene.
The whole cast was great, Paul Dano, Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell playing really serious at first...when I went into the movie, I thought it was a drama at first...Steve Carell was what brought me to the film in the first place...and Alan Arkin is funny in anything he does...I don't want to say much about this film...I want people to go to it and be surprised...