古詩詞大全網 - 團隊口號 - 壹篇關於大運會的英語演講稿


2010年世博會的腳步離我們越來越近,文明和諧的呼喚更是猶在耳邊。中國上海獲得2010年世博會舉辦權,中國2010年上海世博會將是世界的盛會,是上海新壹輪發展千載難逢的大好機遇,更是我國民族精神的重要體現。世界博覽會是壹項具有巨大影響和悠久歷史的國際性活動,也是人類的盛大聚會。人們從世界各地匯聚壹處,展示各自的產品與技藝,誇耀各自的故鄉和祖國。世博會集人類文明之大成,因而具備了無與倫比的感染力,使人心情激蕩。 世博會(奧運)是平臺,我是主人。它為我們搭起了平臺,讓世界了解我們;它為我們建造了橋梁,讓我們與世界更好地溝通。這個平臺可以讓我們盡情展現自己。我是這裏的主人,我要盡地主之誼,讓來賓感受到熱情與歡樂。 我要努力成為世博會的光榮誌願者。 人人都在為世博做貢獻,我也不例外,作為壹個生活在浦東這塊熱土上的小學生,我們倍感驕傲與自豪。在憧憬美好明天的同時,我們也要為世博會的精彩盡自己的壹份力,我們也要通過我們的雙手、至誠至熱的心和實際行動,來實現上海對全世界的承諾:“城市,讓生活更美好!”人人都在為世博做貢獻,我們也不例外,做為醫務工作者我們倍感驕傲與自豪.在憧憬美好明天的同時,我們也為世博會的精彩盡自己的壹份力量,我們也要通過自己的雙手,至誠至熱的心和實際行動來實現上海對全世界的承諾,”城市,讓生活更美好!”等到2010年世博會的時候,在完成工作的同時,我希望成為壹名光榮的誌願者,向全世界的朋友們介紹我們日新月異的上海和歷史悠久的中國,為世博會貢獻自己的力量! 我將期盼世博會的巨大熱情轉化為迎接世博的實際行動,我將與世博***成長與城市***發展.為上海的發展奉獻自己的力量,與上海攜手***前進.

Expo 2010 will move us closer to the pace, civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in our ears. Shanghai, China bid to host the 2010 World Expo, China 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be an event in the world is Shanghai's new round development of rare and excellent opportunity, but also an important embodiment of our national spirit. World Expo is a great influence and a long history of international activities, but also a grand gathering of human beings. People from around the world come together to display their products and skills, boast of their own home and their homeland. Expo Sets the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make people feel stirring. Expo (Olympic) is a platform, I am the master. It is for us to put up a platform, let the world know us; it is for us to build a bridge, let us with the world communicate better. This platform allows us to enjoy show itself. I am the master here, I would like to play host, so that guests feel the passion and joy. I would like to strive to become the glory of the Expo volunteers. Everyone to contribute for the Expo, I am no exception, as a people living in Pudong, this vast land of pupils, and we feel proud and pride. In the vision of a better tomorrow, we have for the World Expo will be a wonderful to do their edge, we have to go through our hands, heart and sincerity to the hot concrete actions to achieve the Shanghai of the world's promise: "Better City, Better Life! "everyone to contribute for the Expo, we are no exception, as the medical workers that we feel proud and pride. In the vision of a better tomorrow, we are also wonderful for the World Expo will do its part strength, we have, through their own hands, sincere and warm heart and practical actions to achieve the Shanghai's commitment to the world, "Better City, Better Life!" By the time the World Expo in 2010, when the completion of the work, I want to be a glorious volunteers, friends around the world about our ever-changing Shanghai and has a long history in China, for the World Expo to contribute their strength! I will be looking forward to the Expo to meet the tremendous enthusiasm into practical action the Expo, I Expo will be a total a total of growth and urban development. for the development of Shanghai sacrifice their own strength, with Shanghai A total of forward hand in hand.