古詩詞大全網 - 藝術簽名 - 高分懸賞專業翻譯


1. 本院檢驗工作不受任何來自商業、財政、行政的幹預,對委托方的技術、資料、數據及其商業機密嚴格保密,檢驗人員嚴格執行標準和程序,對出具的數據負責;

The inspection work of our Institute is free from any intervention from commercial, financial, administrative aspects, the technologies, documents, data, and commercial secrets from the commissioning parties of the commission, information, data and business secrets are kept strictly confidential, the inspectors strictly enforce the standards and procedures, and are responsible for the data issued;

2. 檢驗報告無“檢驗報告專用章”或檢驗單位公章無效;

The Inspection Reports without "Special Seal for Inspection Report" or the unit seal of the inspection unit would be invalid;

3. 復制檢驗報告未重新加蓋“檢驗報告專用章”或檢驗單位公章無效;

The copied inspection without stamping "Special Seal for Inspection Report" or the unit seal of the inspection unit would be invalid;

4. 未經本院書面同意,不得部分地復制本報告;

This report is not allowed to be copied without the written permission by our Institute;

5. 檢驗報告無檢驗、審核、批準人簽名無效;

The Inspection Reports without signed by the inspector, auditor, and approver would bi invalid;

6. 檢驗報告塗改無效;

The Inspection Reports that are altered would be invalid.

7. 對檢驗報告若有異議,應於收到檢驗報告之日起十五日內向實施監督抽查的產品質量監督部門或檢驗部分提出;

If there is any objection to the inspection reports, it should be presented within 15 days from the date of receiving the Inspection Reports to the Product Quality Supervision Dept or the Inspection Dept that implement supervision and checking;

8. 壹般情況,委托檢驗僅對來樣負責;

Generally, the commissioning inspection is responsible for the delivered samples.

9. 檢驗結果中“壹”表示“不適用”,“/”表示“未檢驗”

In the inspection results, “-“ means “not available”, “/” means “ not inspected”