還有壹個2004年比利時站某雜誌給Felipe Massa做的家庭專題,
Massa aims to make an impact
Felipe Massa's father owns a small plastics factory in Sao Paulo, making bumpers for trucks.
They might have come in handy a month or two ago, when Brazil's latest and youngest Formula One recruit gave his Sauber mechanics a headache with frequent crashes and scrapes in testing.
But the 20-year-old, from a city where driving is considered a contact sport and the spirit of Ayrton Senna is evident on every freeway, has made a more positive impact since his March 3 debut in Australia.
Massa will now start his home Grand Prix on Sunday as the only Brazilian -- of three on the grid including Ferrari's Rubens Barrichello -- to have scored a point so far this season.
Despite being slower than German team mate Nick Heidfeld, he finished sixth in Malaysia as Barrichello and others failed to last the distance.
The youngster also got noticed in the season-opening Melbourne race when he qualified ahead of Heidfeld, fifth at Sepang last weekend, in a rain-hit session.
"I think he's a future champion," retired French veteran Jean Alesi, who also raced for Sauber in a long and varied career, said before that first race. "I've watched him testing...and he's mad, fast and clever."
Massa returns to his birthplace and the Interlagos circuit, once a temple to Senna but without a local winner since the late triple champion's last triumph there in 1993, hoping for more points.
Yet Massa is a man of a very different era to Senna, whose grave in the suburb of Morumbi is still an object of pilgrimage to Formula One fans.
Massa has taken on Senna's fitness trainer but, consistent with his youth and status as the leading light of a new generation, looks elsewhere for inspiration.
"Senna of course is the hero for everybody, you know, but when he died I was so young," the Brazilian said in an interview that might sound sacrilegious to some compatriots.
"I followed Michael (Schumacher) much more than Senna. I think that Michael is the best driver in the world, he is really incredible."
Massa also shares a favourite circuit with Ferrari's four times champion Schumacher.
"Interlagos is my home race and its going to be amazing to race there, but my favourite track is Spa," he said.
Like many modern Formula One racers, Massa started out in karting at an early age -- while also driving his father's car in Sao Paulo long before legally allowed -- but found his schoolwork represented an obstacle:
"I was third in my first race (in the Paulista championship) but after that I didn't do three races because I was not doing well in school and my father took me out."
School, despite his mother's attempts to push him to university, lost in the end and he abandoned his marketing studies for full time racing in Europe.
Unlike some other compatriots, backed by family wealth, Massa said money was a problem.
"My father has a little plastics factory. He makes truck bumpers and plastic seats for buses but he is not rich," declared the slight Brazilian.
"I always had a big problem about budgets to race, a little sponsor here and friends.
"When I came to Europe for Formula Renault I came to do just six races in the Italian championship because that was all my budget.
"The championship is 10 races and I won my first two. Then the team helped me do all the championship and also the European championship."
Massa won both titles and never looked back, earning a test at Sauber after Finland's Kimi Raikkonen moved on to McLaren.
By all accounts, the results were sensational and Peter Sauber wasted no time in signing up a talent who had already been linked to Ferrari and had aroused interest in some other teams.
Comparisons with Raikkonen, who scored a point on his debut last year and stood out for his coolness, are inevitable but Massa tries to ignore them.
"I don't have Kimi in my mind," he said "But of course he was very good last year and he did a very good job. I would like to do the same."
The Brazilian has moved to Switzerland to be closer to the team and won more friends when he sent a Christmas card to everyone at the factory.
He has settled in well at Hinwil, even if driving in Switzerland lacks the thrill of Brazil.
"Driving in Sao Paulo is nice because there is that little bit of adrenalin," he said with a smile. Sunday's race should bring a whole lot more.
Felipe Massa的父親在聖保羅擁有壹間小塑料廠,生產卡車緩沖器。
“我第壹次參加比賽(in the Paulista championship)的時候,我拿到了第三名,但之後的賽程比賽我都沒參加,因為我在學校裏表現不好,我爸就把我從賽車裏扔出來了。”
Massa贏得了兩項冠軍頭銜,卻從來沒有留戀這些,當芬蘭車手Kimi Raikkonen轉會到邁凱輪的時候他得到了索伯車隊的試車機會。
各種情報都表明,測試結果絕對是震撼性的,Peter Sauber壹分鐘都沒耽擱,馬上簽下了這位少年天才,當時他已經跟法拉利有所接觸,而其他的壹些車隊也對他感興趣。
The Massas: Keeping it in the Family
For a long time, Felipe Massa wasn't having a good season. In contrast to Giancarlo Fisichella, his colleague on the Sauber Petronas team, the Brazilian was battling in vain. Until he clinched fourth place in the Belgian Grand Prix, that is. According to Massa, that was the "best Formula One race of my career". Since then, he has caused quite a stir with his fighting spirit. Take last weekend, for example, when he came in eighth on home territory at the Brazilian Grand Prix. At emagazine we reckon we've discovered the key to the miraculous turnaround: "family power".
Tense atmosphere in the motorhome
Spa-Francorschamps, an hour before the start of the Belgian Grand Prix. Two Latin-looking women are sitting at a little table in the Sauber Petronas motorhome. It's not difficult to guess who they are waiting for, given that one of them bears a striking resemblance to Felipe Massa. That can only be his sister. And the other lady – his mother? Bingo. So now we know why they are sipping so nervously from their plastic cups. "I've never watched a race on TV", admits Ana Elena, Massa's mother. And Fernanda, Felipe's elder sister (25), confesses that she can rarely conceal her nervousness during a Grand Prix, "and especially not at the start." One might have expected them to be used to the pressure. After all, Felipe's racing career is already in its 14th season. When Dad put 8-year-old Felipe in a go-kart, his hopes were soon confirmed: His son was a "natural". And Felipe was just nine when he came fourth in his debut event, the Paulista micro-kart championship.
From driving instructor to champion
Early fame on the racetrack brought Felipe a few privileges. "Every time we had a family do, Felipe used to wait by the drive so that he could usher in the relatives' cars and park them himself", recalls Fernanda . At the tender age of nine – at his father's suggestion – Felipe taught his elder sister to drive. Fernanda: "He needed a cushion so that he could see over the steering wheel". On the racetrack, too, Felipe made rapid progress and worked his way up the various racing categories. And by the time he had won the Brazilian Formula Chevrolet championship at the age of 18, the home circuits had become too limited for him. So he crossed the Atlantic to take part in the Italian Formula Renault Series.
Felipe conquers Italy
Leaving the bosom of his Brazilian family wasn't as traumatic as one might think. Felipe took to Italy, the land of his forefathers (the Massas had emigrated from the Apulian town of Cerignola), like a duck to water. A year after romping home with first place in the Formula Renault, he created a storm by notching up four victories in a row in the European Formula 3000 series. Such oodles of talent couldn't escape the notice of Peter Sauber. At the time, he was looking for a successor to Kimi R?ikk?nen – Sauber's biggest discovery to date – for the 2002 season.
A short, sun-tanned man enters the motorhome. It is Felipe's father, Luiz Antonio. He's wearing a Sauber cap embroidered with his son's signature alongside the Brazilian crest – one of the "special edition" Massa fan items which Massa Sr. markets himself. In addition to managing a factory that produces plastic components, Luiz Antonio looks after the Felipe Massa brand himself. He has even hired a full-time secretary to help out with the work. But however well the merchandise sells, and however great the interest from sponsors, Felipe hasn't yet become a superstar at home. "Brazilians are hard as nails in that respect", says Fernanda rather indignantly. "Nothing less than an outright victory counts for anything, whatever field you're in".
Help from above
There's no doubt that Felipe's biggest fans are convinced he'll make it. "We know where he's come from, and know better than anyone else what he's capable of," says Fernanda. And to be quite sure that their "Operation World Champion" leads to the ultimate victory, the Massas are appealing to a higher authority. For seven days, Felipe's parents walked the pilgrim's route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. "Naturally we also prayed for our son along the way," says Ana Elena, a devout Catholic who works for a S?o Paolo charity that looks after children with cancer and AIDS.
Our chat in the motorhome has eased the tension only temporarily. Excusing herself briefly, Massa's mother leaps out of her chair – it's only half an hour until the start. She won't be seen again in the motorhome for the duration of the race, but will be pacing up and down the paddock. Fernanda, on the other hand, won't miss a minute of it. With the roar of the actual race in the background, she watches the spectacle on TV in the Sauber area. And she won't be disappointed: It proves to be the most exciting race so far this season, and Felipe only narrowly misses a place on the podium after having been among the stragglers earlier on.
Where did Felipe get all this power? There are no doubts in his mother's mind. "Felipe has driven fantastically every time we've been here," she rejoices. So how long will it be before Peter Sauber signs up the three other Massas?
剛剛過去的八月,是母親Ana Elena,父親Luiz Antonio和姐姐Fernanda把Felipe Massa帶回到通往成功的道路上,現在就讓我們看看這個站在賽車運動之後的溫暖家庭。
斯帕賽道,離比賽開始還有壹個小時。兩個有著拉丁相貌的女性正坐在索伯車房裏的壹個小桌子上,不難猜出她們正在等候著的是誰,因為其中壹個與Felipe Massa長得十分相似,引人註目。那肯定是她姐姐,那麽另壹個呢,他的媽媽?Bingo.所以現在我們知道為什麽她們為什麽緊張的拿著杯子,心不在焉的小口喝著水。“我從來不在電視上看比賽。”Massa的媽媽承認道。而25歲的Fernanda,Felipe的姐姐則說在大獎賽周末她幾乎無法掩飾自己的緊張,“特別是發車的時候”。也許妳認為他們總會習慣這樣的壓力的,但Felipe已經參加賽車運動14年了。八歲的時候Felipe的父親把扔進了壹輛卡丁車,而他的期望很快就被證實了,他的兒子簡直就是天生的賽車手。Felipe九歲時開始參加聖保羅小型卡丁車賽,第壹年就拿到了第四。
離開他溫馨的巴西家庭並不像別人想象的那樣艱難。Felipe來到意大利,這是他的先輩居住的地方(Massa家族是從意大利阿普利亞小鎮區的塞裏格諾拉(Cerignola)移民到巴西的),他在這裏如魚得水。他在參加雷諾方程式的第壹年輕易獲勝,而他在歐洲F3000更是得到了不可思議的四連勝。他出眾的天賦沒有逃過Peter Sauber的眼睛。當時他正在尋找kimi raikkonen的繼任者,這位索伯車隊至今以來最成功發掘的車手,在2002年離開了索伯車隊。
矮個子男人進入了motorhome中,他被曬得有些黑,那就是Felipe的父親,Luiz Antonio。他是帶著索伯車隊的帽子,帽檐壹邊繡著他兒子的簽名,旁邊還有壹個巴西徽章,這個Massa車迷特用標誌是老馬薩自己制造和出售的。作為壹間塑料加工廠的擁有者,Luiz Antonio料理著Felipe Massa這壹品牌。他甚至請了壹位全職助理來幫忙管理這些事情。但無論這樣的商品賣的多麽火爆,或者贊助商對他投入了多大的熱情,Felipe仍然沒有成為巴西人民心目當中的超級明星。“巴西人在這方面可是鐵石心腸不講情面的,”Fernanda或多或少有些不平,“勝利意味著壹切,無論妳從事的是什麽行業都是如此。”
毫無疑問,馬薩的最大粉絲們是確信他是可以成功的。“我們知道他來自哪裏,比任何人都清楚他的能力。” Fernanda說。很確定地說,他們的“世界冠軍行動”最後會成功,馬薩壹家在尋求著超越自己能力的力量。七天來,馬薩的父母走在朝聖的路通往西班牙的Santiago de Compostela,“很自然,我們沿路上在為我們的兒子祈禱。” Ana Elena說,Ana Elena是壹個虔誠的天主教徒,她為聖保羅的照顧癌癥和愛滋病孩子的慈善機構工作。