古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - wine是酒的統稱嗎?



我們都知道alcohol是“酒精”的意思,作為壹種飲品,alcohol則泛指所有含有酒精的飲料 alcoholic drink (or alcoholic beverage)

Alcoholic drinks are typically divided into three classes beers, wines, and spirits and typically their alcohol content is between 3% and 50%.


Beer is a beverage fermented from grain mash. It is typically made from barley or a blend of several grains and flavored with hops. Most beer is naturally carbonated as part of the fermentation process. If the fermented mash is distilled, then the drink becomes a spirit.


Wine is a fermented beverage produced from grapes and sometimes other fruits. Wine involves a longer fermentation process than beer and a long aging process (months or years), resulting in an alcohol content of 9%–16% ABV.

葡萄酒是壹種發酵飲料,由葡萄或其他水果制成。葡萄酒的發酵過程比啤酒要長,陳釀過程也要長(數月或數年),因此酒精含量為9%-16% ABV。