古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 摩托車英語



1、指代具體的壹輛摩托車:I rode my motorcycle to work this morning.(我今天早上騎著我的摩托車去上班了。)

2、泛指摩托車這壹類交通工具:Many people enjoy the freedom and excitement of riding a motorcycle.(許多人喜歡騎摩托車所帶來的自由和刺激感。)

3、在某些專業領域中,motorcycle也可以用來表示特定的類型或品牌,例如Harley-Davidson motorcycles(哈雷戴維森摩托車)。



1、I love the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair as I ride my motorcycle on the open road.(我喜歡在公路上騎著我的摩托車,感受著風吹過頭發的感覺。)

2、Hes been riding his motorcycle every day for the past week,and he says its helped him clear his mind.(他過去壹周每天都騎著他的摩托車,他說這有助於他清空思維。)

3、The motorcycle was stolen from the parking lot last night.(摩托車昨晚被從停車場偷走了。)

4、Shes not afraid to take her motorcycle out on the highway because she knows how to handle it.(她不怕開著她的摩托車在高速公路上行駛,因為她知道如何掌控它。)

5、The motorcycle accident left him with a broken leg and a concussion.(那次摩托車事故使他腿骨折了,還腦震蕩了。)