例句:1、After discussion, we decided to restore his post.經過討論,我們決定恢復他的職務。
2、We have restored energy after rest.經過休息後,我們恢復了體力。
3、The staff are restoring the painting.工作人員正在修復這幅畫。
4、After a week in bed, she was fully restored to health.臥床壹周後 她完全恢復了健康。
5、His plan to restore customer confidence is an outright fantasy.他重拾客戶信心的計劃完全是個幻想。
6、We are looking for a visionary leader who can help restore our company to its former glory.我們正在尋找壹個有遠見的領導,可以幫助恢復我們公司昔日的榮耀。