from des- "away, off" (see dis-) + guise "style, appearance" (see guise). Originally primarily "to put out of one's usual manner" (of dress, etc.).
即:否定+面貌 (就是看不出妳長什麽樣了)
. ~ sb (as sb/sth) to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you 假扮;裝扮;偽裝
She disguised herself as a boy.
2. 藏在什麽東西
o hide sth or change it, so that it cannot be recognized 掩蔽;掩飾
She made no attempt to disguise her surprise.
假裝;偽裝;裝作 If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not.
Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep...
pretend 更強調 假裝,不指外表
disguise 還有偽裝的意思。比如外表