古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 三個單詞都有“清楚的”或“明顯的”意思,有什麽區別?請舉出例句來說明。(obvious,apparent,clear)


obvious, apparent, clear:這些形容詞***有的壹個中心意思為“易見的,易察的,易明白的”。這組形容詞都有“清楚的”或“明顯的”意思。

△ obvious: 所表示的“明顯的”強調容易發現,常常用於修飾或說明那些本想掩蓋而又沒有能掩蓋徹底的事情。指“容易知道或發現, 無須解釋或證明的”。

1.The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen. 繩子是被割斷的,因此這只羊羔顯然是被偷去的。

註:此句中的obvious 換用evident則更確切。

2.He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious (though not perhaps strictly scientific) link with our ancestral past. 它們是恐怖電影和驚險小說中的老壹套的怪物,並且與我們的祖先有著明顯的(雖然可能沒有科學的) 聯系。

3.It's obvious that a man isn't strong enough to lift an elephant. 很明顯, 壹個人是不能舉起大象的。

△ apparent:apparent的常見意義大致有兩個,其壹為“表面上的”或“看上去似乎像的”,這壹含義的同義詞為seeming;另壹含義才是“明顯的”。作為“明顯的”這層含義,apparent與evident很難區別,apparent強調根據跡象進行仔細的推理,最後才看得出是“明顯的”。還可指“思想上容易理解的”。

1.It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease. 後來清楚了,野兔對這種疾病逐漸產生了壹定程度的抵抗力。

2.Apparently what happened was that water collected on these tar pits, and the bigger animals like the elephants ventured out on to the apparently firm surface to drink, and were promptly bogged in the tar. 顯然,情況是這樣的:這些焦油坑上積了水, 類似大象這樣較大的動物冒險走上了那似乎是堅硬的表面去喝水,就馬上陷入焦油坑裏去了。

3.It's apparent that you can't be trusted. 很顯然, 妳是不可信賴的。

△ clear:(以及常見的plain)是口語中常用詞,其含義為“清楚易懂的”。clear 除了“清楚的”,“清晰的”之外,還有許多其它含義。如“流暢的”,“無障礙的”等。

1.The water of the lake is as clear as glass. 湖水清徹如同明鏡。

2.He gave a clear answer to the direct question. 他對那個直截了當的問題作了清晰的答復。

