古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 幫忙翻譯成英語


1. 有壹天,兩位自稱是天下第壹的拳擊手來到森林比賽,

One day, two boxers , who both claimed the best boxer in the world had a match in the froest.

2. 妳想哪個取勝呢?就看妳的本事!

3. Who do you wish to win? Well, it all depends on you.,

4. 選擇妳想幫助的拳擊手後開始遊戲,聽錄音選擇答案,如果回答正確,對方就會被妳打倒.否則,妳選擇的拳擊手就會被對方打倒,每題只有10秒鐘作答.

5. Pick your favorite boxer . Then you may start the game. First, listen to the recording and pick your answers. If you get all correct answers, the rivary of your favorite boxer will be knocked down. Otherwise your favorite boxer will be knocked down. Each question is 1o seconds.


6. The one with most correct answers in the shortest time will be the winner.


You get an apple sticker for each correct answer.


Whoever gets the most apples(stickers) will claim the victory./will be the winner.


The one with most correct answers in the shortest time will be the winner.