學徒的 of the apprentice
學徒工 apprentice worker; trainee, apprentice
學徒期 entry-level
學徒制 apprentice shisystem apprentice system; apprenticeship
做學徒 apprentice
粗心的學徒 careless apprentice
達爾文學徒 darwinian; darwinist
當兩年學徒 serve two years as an apprentice/a twoyear apprenticeshipp
當學徒的 bount
定期學徒 prentice
宮廷學徒 court apprentice
繪圖學徒 apprentics draughtsman
技工學徒 craft apprentice
技術員學徒 ex-cita trainee; technician apprentice
龍卵學徒 nbda
魔法師學徒 the scepter of zavandor
魔法學徒 magician: apprentice
木工學徒 carpenters apprentice
三個學徒 the three apprentices
使當學徒 apprentice
使做學徒 prentice
外出的學徒 the wayward apprentice
學徒,實習生 apprentice