古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - scared 是什麽意思啊

scared 是什麽意思啊



/ ?ske?(r); sk?r/ v

(a) (also infml 口語作 scarify)[Tn] frighten (sb) 恐嚇(某人): That noise scared me. 那響聲把我嚇壞了. (b) [I] (used esp with an adv 尤與副詞連用) become frightened 受驚嚇; 感到害怕: He scares easily. 他動不動就害怕.

(idm 習語) frighten/scare the daylights out of sb => daylights. frighten/scare sb to death/out of his wits => frighten. scare sb `stiff (infml 口) make sb very nervous; alarm sb 使某人精神緊張; 驚嚇某人: The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff. 我壹想到下星期要考試就很緊張. * He's scared stiff of women. 他壹見女的就發慌.

(phr v) scare sb away/off make sb leave, stay away, etc by frightening or alarming him 將某人嚇跑: light a fire to scare off the wolves 點起火來把狼嚇跑 * He scares people away by being so brash. 他狂妄自大把別人都嚇跑了. scare sb into/out of sth/doing sth make sb do/not do sth by frightening him 嚇得某人做[不敢做]某事: They scared him into handing over the keys. 他們把他嚇得交出了鑰匙. * We'll scare her out of telling the police. 我們要把她嚇得不敢報警.

> scare n sudden fright; alarm caused by a rumour, etc 驚恐; 恐慌: You did give me a scare, creeping up on me like that! 妳那樣悄悄地過來, 真把我嚇了壹大跳! * The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare. 化工廠發生爆炸引起了害怕汙染的巨大恐慌. * [attrib 作定語] a scare story, eg a newspaper report that spreads panic 引起恐慌的報道.

scared adj ~ (of sb/sth); (of doing sth/to do sth) frightened 驚恐的; 恐懼的: I'm scared (of ghosts). 我害怕(鬼). * scared of being attacked, to go out alone 害怕受到攻擊、 獨自外出 * a very scared man 嚇怕了的人.

scary / ?ske?r?; ˋsk?r?/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口) causing fear or alarm 引起恐慌的: a scary ghost story 嚇人的鬼故事.

# `scarecrow n figure resembling a person that is dressed in old clothes and set up in a field to frighten away birds 稻草人.

`scaremonger / -m?g?(r); -?m?ɡ?/ n (derog 貶) person who frightens people by spreading alarming news, rumours, etc 散布引起恐慌的消息、 謠言等的人.