古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - opera的音標




英英釋義:n:a drama set to music;consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes a commercial browser a building where musical dramas are performed。


soap opera肥皂劇;連續劇;番筧劇

opera house歌劇院;悉尼歌劇院;大劇院;格拉茨歌劇院

The Phantom of the Opera歌劇魅影;劇院魅影;歌劇院的幽靈;歌聲魅影

space opera太空歌劇;太空劇;太空劇場;太空探險片

Phantom Of The Opera歌劇魅影;歌聲魅影;歌劇院魅影

Sydney Opera House悉尼歌劇院;雪梨歌劇院;歌劇院;澳大利亞悉尼歌劇院

opera seria正歌劇;嚴肅歌劇;意大利語;

grand opera大歌劇;歌劇節;歌劇劇團;壹般指沒有說白

Vienna State Opera維也納國家歌劇院;維也納國家劇院;立歌劇院;維也納歌劇院

cantonese opera粵劇

chinese traditional opera中國傳統戲曲

shaoxing opera越劇

comic opera喜歌劇

metropolitan opera n.紐約大都會歌劇院

yue opera越劇


1、Theopera House is decorated with the Hungarian national colours:green,red,and white.(歌劇院飾以匈牙利的國旗色:綠、紅、白。)

2、John had recently begun a successful career conductingopera.(約翰最近成功地開始了指揮歌劇的生涯。)

3、He made Beijingopera different from other theatrical art forms.(他使京劇有別於其他戲劇藝術形式。)

4、I happen to be an aficionado of theopera,and I love art museums.(碰巧我是個歌劇迷,而且喜歡藝術館。)

5、He was a man of catholic tastes,a lover of grandopera,history,and the fine arts.(他是壹個興趣廣泛的人,愛好大歌劇、歷史和美術。)

6、The English made a major adjustment toopera and exported what they had done toopera back to Italy.(英國人對歌劇做出了重大的調整,並把他們對歌劇所做的改革帶回了意大利。)

7、Whichopera did Verdi write first?(威爾第最早寫的是哪壹部歌劇?)

8、Fine music,particularlyopera,has become aspirational,like fine wine or foreign travel.(優雅的音樂,尤其是歌劇,已像美酒或海外旅遊壹樣被人追求。)

9、The wordopera means work,actually it means works.(歌劇(opera)這個詞的意思是作品,實際上它是指復數形式的作品壹詞)

10、Dennis had recently begun a successful career conductingopera.(丹尼斯最近成功地開始了指揮歌劇的生涯。)